Chapter 16: Haircutting Flashcards
Parietal Ridge
the widest area of the head, starting at the templed and ending at the bottom of the crown
Occipital bone
Is the bone that protrudes at the base of the skull
highest point on the top of the head
Hair that grows on the top of the head
Everything that falls in from of the ear
Hair from the back of the ear forward
Crown `
Area between the apex and back of parietal
Are at the back part of neck and consists of the hair below occipital bone
Everything that falls behind the ear
Bang Area
Triangular section begins at apex and end at front corners
a thin continuous mark used as a guide
Types of Lines
Vertical, Diagonal, Horizontal
Working are that the hair is seperated
when two lines or surfaces intersect at a point
Horizontal line
Parallel to the horizon, direct the eye from one side to the other. Builds weight
Vertical Line
Up and down. Removes weight
Diagonal Forward
creates movement toward face
Diagonal Back
creates movement away from the face
Separates the head at parietal ridge to below the crown
Pie shape sectioning
divides the head into two sections
taken from ear to ear divides front and back
angle at which hair is held from head
layers described in degrees
hair contracts as it dries
Cutting line
angle at which fingers are held when cutting
Stationary Guide Line
does not move
Traveling Guide Line
Moves as haircut progress
comb the hair away from its natural falling position
Hair Density
Hairs per square inch
Hair texture
Diameter of a hair strand
Wave Pattern
Amount of Movement in the hair strand
Haircutting Shears
used to cut blunt or straight , also used to slide and point cut
Texturizing shears
Used to remove bulk from hair
Straight Razors
Softer effect on the ends of hair
Create short tapers, fades and flat tops
Smaller version of clippers, mainly to remove excess
Wide tooth comb
detangle hair; rarely used when cutting
Barber comb
used for close tapers on nape and sides
Steel Shears
Gauging hardness, rockwell hardness
Cast shears
made by molten steel
forged shears
working metal to a finished shape
Cutting edge
part of the blade that cuts
Pivot + Adjustment knob
Parts that make the shears cut
Finger tang
the contact point for pinky
Ring- Finger hole
Ring Finger
Thumb placer
Point Cutting
performed on the ends of the hair using the tips, or points of the shears to create a broken edge
Another version of point cutting but more aggressive and creates chunkier effect. Done towards the ends
Free-Hand Notching
Pieces are snipped out randomly, more interiorly than ends
Also known as Slithering, thinning hair to graduated lengths with shears
Technique that removes bulk and adds movement through hair
A version of slicing that creates a visual separation
Comb and razor are used on the surface of the hair ( softens weight lines)
Razor Rotation
similar to razor-over-comb, the difference is razor motion is circular