Chapter 16 - Critical Care Flashcards
How do you calculate MAP?
MAP = (CO x SVR) + CVP
MAP = 2/3 DBP + 1/3 SBP
Target is often 65 as anything less can eventually cause ischemia.
How do you calculate CI? Why is it significant?
Range 2.6-4.2
Below 2.2 may indicate cardiac shock
Index is useful because it takes an absolute number (CO) and relates it to the size of the individual. Each person should get 2.2 of cardiac output per body surface area.
Of note, weight is not used, because BSA takes height into account, limiting the contribution of adipose to the equation. This better determine perfusion needs.
How do you calculate SVRI?
what percentage of CO does the brain, kidney, heart get?
Brain 15% Kidney 25% Heart 5%
Preload is linearly related to what?
end diastolic volume and filling pressure
What is afterload?
resistance against the ventricle contracting
What is stroke volume determined by?
preload, contractility, and afterload
How do you calculate ejection fraction?
stroke volume/end diastolic volume
What is end systolic volume determined by?
contractility and afterload
At what heart rate does CO start to decrease?
150 - decreased diastolic filling time
This is the point where a hypotensive patient will likely improve BP by decreasing heart rate.
What % of LVEDV does atrial kick account for?
What is the Anrep effect?
Automatic increase in myocardial contractility (inotropy) secondary to increased afterload.
This allows the heart to compensate for vascular resistance, otherwise output would decrease proportionally to increased resistance.
What is the Bowditch effect?
Automatic increase in contractility secondary to heart rate increase.
Increasing heart rate does not allow the Na/Ca exchange to efficiently eliminate intracellular Ca. The resulting Ca buildup leads to increased inotropism.
The Bowditch is an effect of the healthy heart. It does not occur in the failing heart - an engine out of fuel. The clinical result is that beta-blockers improve survival in heart failure.
What is the radial diastolic and systolic pressure in relationship to aortic mean pressures?
diastolic slightly lower, systolic slightly higher
How do you calculate O2 consumption (VO2)
VO2 = (CO x CaO2) - (CO x CvO2) = CO x (CaO2 - CvO2)
- CaO2 - concentration of arterial O2 measured at pulm vein
- CvO2 - concentration of venous O2 measured at pulm artery
- (CaO2 - CvO2) is known as AV O2 difference
- VO2 can actually be measured allowing CO to be calculated
- CO = VO2/(CaO2 - CvO2)
What is the normal O2 delivery to consumption ratio?
Is O2 consumption supply dependent?
No, does not change until levels of delivery are very low
What causes a right shift in the O2 dissociation curve?
Increased CO2, increased temperature, increased ATP production, increased 2,3-DPG production, increased H+ (decreased pH).

The curve describes the relationship between the partial pressure of oxygen (x) and oxygen saturation (y). Increases in these states causes an offloading effect where at lower PO2, the O2 will be less saturated. For temp, acid, this is because of denaturing. Initially more O2 binding increases affinity, increasing O2 sat. Above PO2 60, the effect dampens, and increasing PO2 has a more minimal effect on O2 sat (PO2 60 correlates w/ O2 sat 90%). O2 delivery then relies on Hgb, meaning more transfusions would be needed.
This produces two points in critical states (increased ATP, temperature, acidosis, CO2): Hgb will offload more O2 b/c tissues need more energy, and a higher PO2 is required for a greater O2 sat - eg PO2 80 for O2 sat of 90%.
What is the normal p50 (PO2 at which 50% of O2 receptors are saturated)?
When does SvO2 go up?
Shunting or decreased extraction (L shift), ie increased O2 delivery, or decreased demand.
SVO2 is mixed venous blood measured from pulmonary artery - ie the end result of O2 consumption.
Shunt - perfusion w/o ventilation; ie V/Q ratio approaches 0. This can occur when alveoli fills with fluid, preventing ventilation though perfusion continues. Sepsis can cause shunting at a microvascular level such that SvO2 would be high but there is evidence of end organ ischemia.
When does SvO2 go down?
increased extraction, decreased delivery
- decreased Hb
- decreased SaO2 - hypoxemia
- decreased Q (shock, arrhythmia)
What can make wedge pressures inaccurate?
pulmonary htn, aortic regurg, mitral stenosis/regurg, high peep, poor LV compliance
Where should a swan-ganz catheter be placed?
zone III (lower) lung
What do you do with hemoptysis after flushing a swan-ganz catheter?
Stop the bleeding: pressure then OR
- Increase PEEP which will tamponade the pulmonary arter bleed
- Mainstem intubate non-affected side
- Can try to place fogarty balloon down the affected side
- May need thoracotomy and lobectomy