Chapter 16: Community Structure Flashcards
A group of interacting plants and animals inhabiting a given area
Number of species in a given area
species richness
A component of species diversity index;
A measure of the distribution of individuals among total species occupying a given area
species evenness
Proportional representation of a species in a community or sample of a community
relative abundance
Population possessing ecological dominance in a given community and thereby governing type and abundance of other species in the community
A species whose activities have a significant role in determining community structure
keystone species
Movement of energy and nutrients from one feeding group of organisms to another in a series that begins with plants and end with carnivores, detrital feeders, and decomposers
food chain
Interlocking pattern formed by a series of interconnecting food chains
food web
Species that feed on no other species but are fed upon by others
basal species
Species that feed on other species, and they themselves are prey of other species
intermediate species
Species not subjected to predators;
They prey on intermediate and basal species
top predator (also called apex predator)
check the book
A measure of the average number of links per species in the food web
linkage density
A group of populations that utilize a gradient of resources in a similar way
A collection of species that exploit the same array of resources or perform similar functions within the community
functional group