Chapter 16 - Basic Ratio Analysis Flashcards
What are the 4 main types of ratios?
- efficiency ratios
- liquidity ratios
- financing ratios
- profitability ratios
What is the formula for asset turnover?
Sales/net assets
What is the formula for stock turnover?
Average stock/COS. X 365 days
Average stick = OS+CS/2
What is the formula for debtors collection period?
Trade debtors/sales X 365
What is the formula for creditors payment period?
Trade creditors/Purchases X 365 days
What is the current ratio?
What is the acid test or quick ratio?
What is the capital gearing ratio?
Long term liabilities / long term liabilities + shareholders funds
What is the interest cover formula?
Operating profit/interest payable
What is the formula for EPS?
PAT/no of ordinary shares
What is the formula for gross profit margin?
GP/Sales X100%
What is the formula for operating profit margin?
Operating profit / sales X 100%
What is the formula for ROCE?
Operating profit / capital employed
Capital employed = LT Liabilities + shareholder funds
What is a provision and when should it enter BA?
- liability of uncertain timing or amount
- entity is obligated
- it is probable
- reliable estimate can be made
What is a contingent liability?
- liability doesn’t meet criteria of provision
- should not be recognised in accounts instead should be included on disclosure note
- if likelihood of paying out cash is remote it is not recognised and no disclosure is required
What is a contingent asset?
- inflow is probable but not virtually certain
- not recognised in the balance sheet but are disclosed in note
- if inflow only possible or remote not recognised or disclosed
What accountancy concept is responsible for the difference in treatment between contingent assets and liabilities?
- prudence