Chapter 16 Advertising Media: Planning and Analysis Flashcards
Define Media.
General communication methods that carry ad messages (tv, mags)
Define Vehicles.
Specific broadcast programs or print
Define Media Planning.
Design a strategy that shows how investments in advertising time and space will contribute to the achievement of marketing objectives.
List the Media Strategies.
- Selecting the target audience
- Specifying media objectives
- Selecting media categories and vehicles
- Buying media
Specifying media objectives.
- What proportion of a target audience do we want to REACH?
- With what FREQUENCY do we need to expose the audience to our message
- How much total advertising is necessary for (1) and (2) - weight
- How should we allocate the advertising budget over time? (CONTINUITY)
- How close to the time of purchase should the target audience be exposed? (RECENCY)
- What is the most economically way to accomplish these objectives? (COST)
Define Reach.
Percentage of the target audience that is exposed, at least once, during a specified time frame to the vehicles in which our advertising message is inserted.
Reach is AKA?
1+, net coverage, unduplicated audience, and cumulative audience
What are the determines of Reach?
- Use of multiple media
- Diversification of vehicles within each medium
- Varying day parts for radio and TV ads
Define Frequency.
No. of times, on average, during the media-planning period (4wk) that members of the target audience are exposed to the media vehicles that carry a brand’s advertising message.
Define Weight.
The advertising volume require to accomplish advertising objectives.
Define Ratings.
Percentage of an audience that has an OTS as an ad placed in that vehicle.
Define Gross Rating Points (GRPs)
Weight that a particular advertising schedule has delivered.
Aka: total coverage, duplicated audience
GRPs formula:
Reach (R) x Frequency (F)
Define target ratings.
Adjusted vehicle’s ratings that reflect only those individuals who math the advertiser’s target audience.
-Indicate a media schedule’s net (non-wasted) weight
Define Effective Rating Points (ERPs).
Effective reach (or exposures) x frequency
Define Effective Reach.
An advertising schedule is effective only if it does not reach members of the target audience too few or too many times during the media scheduling period.
The optimum effective reach depends on:
- level of consumer awareness
- market share
- audience’s degree of loyalty
- message creativity and novelty
- ad objective
What are the Three-Exposure Hypothesis (krugman)?
- Min of 3 exposures to an ad message needed for effective advertising
- Use of multiple media
- Subjective factors must be considered
What are the weight metrics?
- Gross Rating Points (GRPs)
- Target Ratings
- Effective Ratings
Explain Frequency Value Planning (alternative approach)?
- Estimate the exposure utility for each level of vehicle exposure, or OTS, that a schedule produces
- Estimate the frequency distribution of the various media schedule
- Estimate the OTS value at each OTS level
- Determine the total value across all OTS levels
- Develop an index of exposure efficiency.
Define Exposure utility.
Worth or value and each additional OTS for audience members during the period of an ad schedule.
Define Continuity.
How ad is allocated during course of an ad campaign.
Define Continuous Schedule.
Relatively equal number of ad dollars invested throughout the campaign
Define Pulsing Schedule.
Used every period of the campaign but may vary
Define Flighting Schedule.
Varies expenditure throughout the campaigns and allocates zero expenditures in some months
What are some Budgeting Alternatives.
- Continuous Schedule
- Pulsing Schedule
- Flighting Schedule
What is the Recency Planning (a.k.a. The Shelf-Space Model) Principles.
- Consumers’ first exposure to an advertisement is the most powerful.
- Advertising’s primary role is to influence brand choice
- Achieving a high level of weekly
List the advertiser’s role in optimising weekly reach.
- To influence brand selection by reminding, reinforcing, and evoking earlier messages.
- To reach consumers when they are ready to buy a brand - “rent the shelf”, not out of sight, out of mind
- To reach consumers close to the time when they are making brand-selection decisions
- Single exposure cost effectiveness is about 3x the value of subsequent exposures.
- To reach as many consumers for as many weeks as possible rather than sporadically at select times