Chapter 16 Flashcards
Who won the Election of 1848?
Zachary Taylor
What was the Wilmot Proviso?
A proposal that would ban slavery in any lands that the U.S. acquired from Mexico but never passed
What was the name for the bills that dealt with slavery in the states added since the
Missouri Compromise?
Compromise of 1850
What required all citizens to help catch runaway slaves in 1850?
The fugitive slave act
Anyone who aided a fugitive slave could be, what two things?
Fined or imprisoned
What did the enforcement of this act do?
Caused more anger in the north
What increased the amount of territory open to slaveholding in the U.S.?
Kansas-Nebraska Act
What is popular sovereignty?
Letting people choose for themselves about an issue
Which territory was the first to have blood shed over slavery?
Who was the violent abolitionist that believed God had chosen him to end slavery?
John Brown
What happened in the Sumner Brooks Incident?
Senator Charles Sumner lashed out against those for slavery, including Andrew P. Butler
What did Antislavery Whigs & Democrats, and Free Soilers join together to
The Republican Party
Who did Dred Scott sue?
His Owner
What did the Dred Scott Decision do to the nation?
Divided the nation even more
Who was the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court that ruled on the Dred Scott case?
Chief Justice Roger B. Taney
According to the Dred Scott Decision, what did the Constitution do?
His decision basically stated that the constitution protected slavery
What Senate race became the center of national attention?
Lincoln and Douglas Debates
What party was each candidate a part of?
Lincoln-Republican Douglas-Democract
What was the main topic of the debates during that election?
Who won the Illinois Senate race?
What was the name of the event when John Brown led men to attack a weapon
storage facility?
The Raid on Harpers Ferry
What was Brown hoping to start at the Raid on Harpers Ferry?
Rebellion against slaveholders by arming slaves, but he and his men were quickly defeated
After this event, what became a rallying cry for many abolitionists?
His death
What was the first state to secede from the Union?
South Carolina