Chapter 16/17 Flashcards
What is Erikson’s psychosocial development in middle adulthood
Conflict: Generativity vs Stagnation
Virtue: Care
Important event: Parenthood and work
What is a midlife crisis
The transition to midlife at age 40 is considered a midlife crisis due to unrealized dreams and life losses; psychotherapy during this time should not be overlooked.
What are some stressors in middle adulthood
health changes, caring for parents, financial difficulties, change in relationships, change in employment, death of parent or child, etc
What are the big 5
Agreeable, openness, extraverted, conscientious, and neuroticism
What are careers like in middle adulthood
workers are usually at their peak, work provides social benefits, sense of identity and self esteem
What is “sandwich generation”
The generation that is often in the middle in that they are sandwiched in between their own children, grandchildren and their parents