chapter 16 Flashcards
What was the age of crisis
Europe was stagnating; ‘little ice age’, religious divide, war
-a time of heavier government presence
What was peasant life like?
- most peasants lived in countryside villages
- life sorrounded on church and manor
- higher farmers owned land/feedstock, were self supportive; employed poor
- lower landowners sold produce on market
- rural proletariats were laborers and servants
what was the ‘little ice age’
- colder and wetter climate led to shorter farming season
- series of bad harvests
- famine, disease, malnutrition, industry declined+wages stagnated
What were obstacles to state building?
-lack of communication capability, lack of information, cultural diff. within state, opposition to monarchies by monarchy
What happened to armies in the 17th century?
- armies used to be raised for war, then disbanded
- standing armies created by monarchy/allowed for more professionalism
- soldier became paying career, not obligation
- officers were noblemen who footed much of the army bill
What did the combined pressure of warfare and high taxation/centralization result in?
many popular revolts; England, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy
What did Henry IV do in France?
- sharply lowered taxes, got Paulette, which was annual fee, from nobles to compensate
- Sully (chief minister) improved infrastructure and increased trade revenue
- Edict of Nantes was compromise between Catholics/Huguenots. Allowed Protestants right to worship openly, have militias.
- Henry killed be angry catholic
What did Louis XIII do in France?
- Appointed Cardinal Richelieu chief minister
- Rich. maintained monarchys position i europe despite 30 years war
- Cut power of Nobles, who controlled army and were immune to taxation.
- appointed royal comissioners
- they either enforced financial, judicial, or political task/appointed directly from monarch and answered to home only
- called nobles de robe- new nobility
What happened to Protestants under Louis XIII
- political/military independence ended
- La Rochelle-huge protestant city- laid siege to by Louix, walls destroyed, rest of Protestants fell in line
What was Frances role in the 30 years war?
Richelieu wanted to destroy vast amount of hapsburg territories around france/ supported swedes against catholics
What was ‘fronde’?
- sword nobility angered at state centralization
- under Prince de Conde, entered open warfare w crown
- war led to a semi compromise, but violence led france to hope for peace and monarchy
What did Louis XIV do for France?
- considered himself divinely appointed, could only follow gods bidding
- Louis appointed state adminstrators to do work
- revoked Edict of Nantes, destroyed catholic churches
- wanted france under one faith
- Did govern with nobles, so not absolute monarch
- created modern army, and was at war for most of his years
- limited success in netherlands
- financial difficulties led to new taxes and social hierarchies
Who was Jean-baptise Colbert?
- brought mercantilism to france
- gave foreign workers privelages to immigrate fo france
- enacted high protective tariffs
- shipped peasants to canada to integrate it into empire
What was the WAr of Spanish Succession?
Charles II died with no heir
- Empire given to Louis XIv’s son, violating treaty agreeing to share between roman empire+france
- english, dutch, austrians, and prussions ganged up against france
- Peace of Utrecht kept France+Spain separate, France lost territories. End of French Expansion
- France on edge of bankruptcy
Describe the spanish decline
- catholic supremacy resulted in loss of jews/muslims who were talented merchants-
- Dutch+english traded with spanish colonies, cutting into spain revenue
- tiny middle class
- King of spain had no solution/ war w dutch only weakened them further
- spain ignored mercentalism/scientific methods because they came from england+Holland
- Don Quixote=literary figure who lives in a world of dreams, traveling countryside seeking military glory
What was the culture at the French court?
- Versailles= grand palace with enormous staterooms that had art from different nations, formal garden to celebrate rationality
- Nobles had tortuous system of rituals to gain kingly favor
- family ties played big role in getting positions
- Woman used their rank to establish patronage relations/founded powerful connections
- French language standardized by French ACademy
Who was James I of England?
- reigned in Scotland for thirty five years
- then assumed english crown
- believed in god given right to rule/rebellion was the worst crime of all
- royal jurissdiction was above everythinf
- growing wealth/importance of House of Commons who wanted soverigntly argued against king
- Common members wanted representation with taxation (king said no way)
Who was Charles I of England?
- sympathetic to roman catholicism
- wife was catholic
- archbishop william laud- tried to unite church services, led to scottish revolt
- Charles dismissed parliament unless he needed, them, led to English Civil War
- Oliver Cromwell captured king ,beheaded him
Who was Oliver Cromwell?
- new militaristic dictator of england
- Instrument Of Government was name of new constitution/created executive powers and a council (common house)
- Cromwell tore the document up and ruled with totalitarianism
- massacred irish for being catholic
- Installed navigation acts= all british goods must be on english ships/helped navy
Who was Charles II?
- son of Charles I
- Test Act of 1673= must follow church of England or you cannot vote/teach/attend university
- Cabal= five men appointed by charles to bridge gap between him+legislature
- In exchange for money from Louis, Charles recatholicized England
Who was James II?
- took over from charles.
- imprisoned catholics
- Glorious revolution= James’s daughter given throne, James fled
What happened after Glorious rev?
-English bill of rights, laws in parliament couldnt be suspended by crown, parliament had to be called often, independent judiciary established, no standing army allowed
What was 17th century Dutch Republic?
- local ‘regents’ had much power
- federal assembly administered army/navy/tariffs
- Stadholder was responsible for defense/ceremonial stuff
- religious toleration
- powerful banking+shipping industry