Chapter 15 study guide - test 3 Flashcards
concrete operational children’s propositional thought is limited because they
evaluate the logic of statements only by comparing them to the real world
Gold is heavier than dirt, and feathers are heavier than gold. Are feathers heavier than dirt? Formal operations will say
_______ regards metacognition as central to adolescent cognitive development
the information-processing perspective
with respect to decision making, teenagers are
less effective than adults in emotional and unemotional conditions
the gender gap in math achievement
is influenced by social pressures and gender stereotypes
Rafael has heard that girls lag behind boys in spatial skills. To help his young daughter develop spatial skills, he can
engage in more block play and model building with her.
adolescents with academically high-performing friends
are more likely to avoid drugs, engage in responsible behavior, etc.
which of the following school characteristics support high student achievement in adolescence?
classrooms in which adolescents view control as shared with teachers/students
which of the following statements about high school academic tracking is true?
once assigned to a low track, it is hard to be assigned to a higher track
during the _____ period, young people narrow their vocational options through exploration and crystallization