Chapter 15: Reverbs, Delays, and Time Effects Flashcards
Decay Time. Define. Explain
Affects how large or small the reverb feels. The longer the delay the more space it will create.

Five Steps For AUX Track
- Create Stereo AUX TRack
- Label It
- SOLO Safe It
- Put Reverb Plugin (or Whatever Plugin)
- Create Send for desired AUDIO to the Reverb Aux Track
What does Joe Recommend for using EQ rather than using the EQ provided on the reverb plugin?
Use your own EQ as a plugin after the reverb effect on your stereo AUX rather using “in-house” small EQ functions. The reverb itslelf will create new muddiness or exxagerated aspects of the vocal that were nonexistent before. Perhaps that particular rreverb will overemphasize the high end.
What are really the three things that you are dealing with REVERB?
The Decay Time, The Predelay, and The Type of Reverb. All the other stuff is gonna be reverb options related to EQ that Joe contends you can do more effectively with your own EQ rather than mess with minutiae of a plugin functions that is not necessarily as precise as your own EQ.
What about delay? What are you concerned with?
With our Delay, we have a left side and a right side, but the main things we’re concerned: NUMBER 1 - with (as long has we have the tempo to match the BPM) how long the delay is eight note, quarter note, half note, full note. Or the time could be expressed in terms of miliseconds if you want it to be not structured to the grid or tempo of the song. NUMBER 2- the higher the feedback amount the more times the delay will feedback. If you put too much feedback it could interfere with the next stimulus, such as a snare. If they are spaced closely together on the beat, to much feedback will cause them to overlap and disrupt the time spacing between them. These plugins will again have low pass filters built in, but joe reccomends you used your own EQ.
What do you do to create a Ping Pong effect?
Set the right side of delay at an eight note while setting left side as a quarter note. Which will create a back and forth effect that is referred to as a ping-pong effect.
Adjusting the groove or swing on a delay does what?
It takes the delays of set grid times in the BPM creating an off beat feel that can sound a little eerie and add an interesting element to the beat.
Sometimes Joe likes to differentiate the qualitative feel of delay from the original signal. How do you achieve this?
Joe will ad an EQ plugin with high pass filter, or add a phaser plugin the Delay AUX track that, whatevery you want really, that makes the delay sound different from the original vocal. So that it doesn’t sound like it just rotely repeating the vocal as it fades away. Again joe contents that you can use other phasers and EQ plugins outside of the delay plugin itself to acheive interesting sounds. All you really need with the delay is feedback, and the rate at which the feedback is timed at (THE DECAY TIME).
In terms of Phasers, Flangers, and Chorus Effects (which are all time-based affects) how does Joe categorize these?
These are more artistic when compared to the functional mixing components inherent in delay and reverb. If somebody has a hook, or somebody or has a background vocal, you can try these out to see if it sounds cool, and they drastically altering the feel of the sound, which can be good. Where as Reverb and Delay are not as much as experimental, but almost necessary tools for creating a sense of space within a mix.
Flangers, Chorus, and Phasers are hit or miss but…
Reverbs and Delays are very much a part of every session. THE BASICS. FUNDAMENTALS OF MIXING.