Chapter 15: Resistance Training Program Design Flashcards
the four basic principles that are a guide in development of effective resistance training programs
training a client in a specific way to produce a targeted change or result
type of specificity utilized to strengthen a select exercise
muscle group specificity
These types of exercises appear to offer the most translation to sports because their movement patterns are similar to those used in many sports and activites
olympic lifts
This refers to a training stress or intensity that is greater than what a client is used to
This refers to the manipulation of specific training variables such as volume, intensity, exercise selction, frequency, rest intervals and speed of movement
this refers to the logical phasic manipulation of training factors to optimize specific training outcomes at a specific point in time
this refers to altering the training stress as the client adapts
four primary resistance training goals
training for this goal by enhancing the ability of the targeted muscles to perform at a submaximal level for many reps or and extended period of time
muscular endurance
This type of training is commonly viewed as a part of aerobic exercise, as the muscle may contract thousands of times during a 20 minute activity such as runnijng
muscular endurance
This type of training refers to an increase in muscle size, and leads to an increase in FFM and a reduction of %BW
Training for this goal uses heavier training loads, therefore it is prudent for people to develop muscular endurance and hypertrophy before engaging in a program that targest muscular strength improvements
muscular strength
This type of training has traditionally only been utilized by athletes and those wishing to improve their sport performance
muscular power
This refers to the number of workouts a client will undertake during a week
factors such as types of exercise used, the number of muscle groups trained per session, the structure of the program (volume/intensity) and the clients training status and overall fitness
The general rule for prescribing resistance training frequency
allow at least 1 day, and no more than three days between workouts that stress the same muscles/groups
General frequency recommendations for resistance training: novice/beginner
2-3 days/week
General frequency recommendations for resistance training: intermediate
3 if using total body training
4 if split
General frequency recommendations for resistance training: advanced
Two classifications of resistance training exercise types
Core or assistance
These types of exercises should form the foundation(bulk) of the training program because they are more effective
core exercises
Generally, an exercise is classified as a core exercise if it does these two things
involves two or more primary joints
engages large muscles while activating synergistic muscles
these types of exercises involve two or more primary joints
multijoint exercises
if a core exercise loads the axial skeleton it is further classified as this
structural exercise
These types of exercises require the muscles of the torso to maintain an erect or near erect position
structural exercise
Structural exercises which are performed very quickly such as the power clean or power snatch are also classified as this
power, or explosive exercises
These types of exercise are extremely effective because they provide a multidimensional training stimulus through the engagement of a large amount of muscle mass and result in a large caloric expenditure
power, or explosive exercises
supplementary exercises that are performed to maintain muscular balance across a joint, help prevent injury, rehab a previous injury, or isolate a specific muscle gorup
assistance exercises
exercises are classified as assistance exercises if they do the two following
single joint exercises, engaging only one primary joint
recruit a small amount of muscle mass
In novice/untrained individuals the PT should pay attention to developing a training base by doing this
using assistance exercises or basic core exercises
how many exercises should be used to target a specific muscle in novice/untrained individuals
the arrangement of order in which exercises are performed during the workout
exercise order
these are the 3 influential factors that influence the order of exercises
goals of the client
fatigue generating potential
type of exercise (core or assistance)