Chapter 15 Influences On Sensation And Perception Flashcards
What are perceptual Constancies
They enable us to maintain a stable perception of a stimulus although the image on the retina may change.
What is size constancy
The fact that we can maintain a constant perception of an objects size even if the object moves closer or further away
What is shape constancy
The fact that we can look at a shape and interpret it from any angle
What are the gestalt principles
Closure, similarity and proximity
What is figure ground organisation
Perceptual organisation wherein images are organised into the into the central object of attention (figure) and a background (ground)
What is depth perception
The ability to accurately judge 3D space and distance, using cues in the environment
What are the binocular depth cues
Retinal disparity - a cue that comes about because the eyes are set apart. Where each eye receives a slightly different image and out brain puts the image together.
Convergence - where the info goes from one eye to the other resulting in crossed eyes
What are the monocular depth cues
Accomodation - the process by which the ciliary muscles of the eye change the curvature of the lens to focus an image on the retina
What are the pictorial depth cues
Pictorial depth cues are used to give the illusion of a 3D image using: Linear perspective Interposition Texture gradient Relative size Height in the visual field
What is closure
It occurs when we perceive something as being whole despite it actually being incomplete
What is proximity
When individual parts of a stimulus pattern are close to each other. We tend to group together as a meaningful whole
What is similarity
When the individual parts of a stimulus pattern are similar we group them as a whole single unit such as rows or columns
What is linear perspective
Basic skill used by artists to create depth using parallel lines that convey the perception of distance
What is interposition
The partial blocking or obscuring of by an object to another which creates the perception of certain parts being further away than others
What is texture gradient
Used to make surfaces in pictures appear to recede into the distance. Artists draw less detail as the surface is more distant, the same way we see it in real life