Chapter 15 - Geohazard: Earthquakes and Volcanoes Flashcards
melted rock below the surface of the crust
active volcanoes
volcanoes that have erupted in the past 10,000 years and could erupt again
extinct volcano
volcanoes that have not erupted for tens of thousands of years and will never erupt again
magma that spills into the surface of Earth’s crust
shield volcano
a broad, domed volcano formed from innumerable layers of fluid basaltic lava laid down over tens to hundreds of thousands of years
magma chamber
reservoir of magma beneath a volcano
volcanic vent
the conduit through which magma moves and reaches the surface
volcanic crater
bowl-shaped volcanic depression
flank eruptions
happens where lava pours out the sides of a volcano through side vents, playing an important role in building shield volcanoes
a large, potentially explosive, cone-shaped volcano composed of alternating layers of lava and pyroclasts; also called composite volcano
encompasses any fragmented rock material that is ejected from a volcano; fire clasts or pyroclastic materials
pulverized rock particles and solidified droplets of lava that form a fine powder
lava domes
dome-shaped volcanoes that form when thick lava that cannot easily flow piles up around a volcanic vent and solidifies into a domed structure; also called plug domes or volcanic domes
cinder cones
small, cone-shaped volcanoes consisting of pyroclasts that settle at the angle of repose
angle of repose
the steepest angle at with loose sediments can settle, usually ranging between 25 and 35 degrees
mafic lava
lava with a temperature of 1,000-1,200 degrees C and a silica content of 50% or less, resulting in a high viscosity (easy-flowing)