chapter 15 Flashcards
What is an allergy?
Hypersensitive reaction to an ordinarily harmless substance, the majority of which are environmental.
What is anaphylaxis?
A more severe form of allergic reaction
What is allergic reaction I?
Immediate hypersensitivity caused by immunoglobin E and is also referred to as a common allergy.
What is type II allergenic reaction?
They are catholic in nature and cause cell death.
What is type lll allergic reaction?
A body is exposed to an antigen and the proteins of the body attack the antigen causing a cascading effect to help destroy the invading organism.
Life-threatening hypersensitive reaction to a previously encountered antigen
Cardiovascular collapse
Failure of the circulatory system
Destruction of the living cell
substance that has the ability to provoke an immune response
Contact dermatitis
Condition of itching, redness, and swelling possibly with blister formation caused by exposure of the skin to an allergen
Reddened skin
Skin rash characterized by itching, blistering, oozing, and scaling of the skin
Sensitizing dose
First exposure to the antigen
Immunoglobulin, protein secreted in response to an antigen