Chapter 15-25: Accusative Nouns Flashcards
How many Acc Nouns are there?
And what are they?
{DAT - PS - C (caused) - EL - V (van) - C (complete) - P (pain) }
Direct Object
(Mafool Bihi)
Object of a verb’s action.
An accusative noun.
2 types of Direct Object
- Clear noun
- Pronoun: attached and detached
The Absolute Object Structure
(Mafool ul Mutlaq)
- Verbal Noun (masdar, action w/o time)
- Accusative
- Indefinite
- Direct Object
2 types of Absolute Object
Same root letter as previous verb
Share same meaning of the verb, not letters
3 Meanings of Absolute Object (answers how)
1) emphasises the act being done
2) nature of the act, idaafah construct
3) how many times the act was done, by adding ta marbuta
The Adverb of Time and Place
(Mafoolu Fihi)
Answers when and where
‘in’ (fi) is understood by them. eg, Time IN this day or place.
The Noun of State
(Al Haal)
- Clarifies obscure states of people and actions.
- Indefinite acc noun
- Its subject is definite
Structure of Noun of State
- Used on completion of sentences
- Follows the structure of active participle (ism fail) eg, ‘Faa-i-lun’
The Clarifier
(Al Tameez)
- accusative, indefinite, verbal non, end of sentence
- removes essential obscurities
Essential Obscurity
- as a word: number
- as a sentence: complete, but not complete sense
Example of the Clarifier
Tasababa zaydun ARAQAN
(Zayd was pouring, WITH SWEAT)
(Clarifier with Numbers)
(P,G - D)
Clarifier is indefinite, plural, genitive.
Does not agree with gender of its number.
(Clarifier with Numbers)
(S,A- A)
Clarifier is indefinite, singular and accusative.
Agrees with noun in gender.
(Clarifier with Numbers)
(S,A- 1D, 2A)
Its clarifier is singular and accusative.
First part of number disagrees with the noun in gender, second part agrees.
(Clarifier with Numbers)
20, 30…90
(S,A- M)
Its clarifier is singular and accusative.
The numbers are always masculine plural.
(Clarifier with Numbers)
21-29; 31-39…91-99
(S,A- 1A, 2D)
Their clarifiers are singular and accusative.
21+22 agree with noun’s gender.
23-29 disagree with noun’s gender.
(Clarifier with Numbers)
Their clarifiers are singular and genitive.
The numbers remain the same for mas and fem nouns.
The Exception Clause
(AL Istithna)