chapter 15 Flashcards
trace minerals
- less than 100 mg/day required
- less than 5 g found in the body
heme iron
found in animal flesh
* easier to absorb
nonheme iron
found in vegetables, grain, supplements, and iron cookware
what is the most common deficiency in the US
transports iron from enterocyte to blood
carrier protein in blood that delivers irion to cells
a liver hormone that decreass iron bioavailability
key functions of iron
participates in oxidation and reduction reactions
iron-deficiency anemia
- leads to decrease in hemoglobin synthesis
- RBCs microcytic and hypochromic
genetic disorder that causes iron to accumulate in the body
zinc induces the synthesis of
synthesis of metallothionein leads to
mucosal block when a person’s zinc intake is high
most significant symptom of zinc deficiency seen in children
delayed growth and sexual maturation
taking excessive amounts of zinc supplements can cause
copper deficiency
enzyme that stores most of the body’s copper supply and also oxidizes iron