Chapter 14 Vocab Flashcards
The study of the size, composition, growth (or shrinkage), and distribution of human population
Malthus theorem
An observation by Thomas Malthus that although the food supply increases arithmetically population grown geometrically
Exponential growth curve
A pattern of growth in which numbers double during approximately equal intervals, showing a steep acceleration in later stages
Demographic transition
A three-stage historical process of change in the size of populations: first, high birth rates and high death rates; second, high birth rates and low death rates; third, low birth rates and low death rates; a fourth stage of population shrinkage in which deaths outnumber births has made its appearance in the Most Industrialized Nations
Population shrinkage
The process by which a country’s population becomes smaller because its birth rate and immigration are too low to replace those who die and emigrate
Population pyramid
A graph that represents the age and sex of a population
Demographic variables
The three factors that change the size of a population: fertility, mortality, and net migration
Fertility rate
The number of children that the average woman bears
The number of children that women are capable of bearing
Crude birth rate
The annual number of live births per 1,000 population
Crude death rate
The annual number of deaths per 1,000 population
Net migration rate
The difference between the number of immigrants and emigrants per 1,000 population
Basic demographic equation
The growth rates equals births minus deaths plus net migration
Growth rate
The net change in a population after adding births, subtracting deaths and either adding or subtracting net migration; can result in a negative number
Zero population
Women bearing only enough children to reproduce the population