Chapter 14 - Transmission Mechanics Flashcards
Economic forces that can amplify shocks and transmit them across sectors and through time.
Transmission Mechanisms.
A mild negative shock can be transformed into a serious reduction in ___.
A ___ shock can be transformed into a boom.
Intertemporal Substitutions:
The allocation of consumption, work, and leisure across time to maximize well-being.
- During a boom, people are less likely to retire or take early retirement.
Substituting effort across time is called:
Intertemporal substitution.
Irreversible Investments:
Have high value only under specific conditions—they cannot be easily moved, adjusted, or reversed if conditions change. (Sunk Costs)
Labor Adjustment Costs:
The costs of shifting workers from declining sectors of the economy to the growing sectors.
Time Bunching:
The tendency for economic activities to be coordinated at common points in time. (Seasonal effects, tax refunds, vacations, house sales)
Shocks to Collateral and New Worth:
- Collateral:A valuable asset that is pledged to a lender to secure a loan. If the borrower defaults, ownership of the collateral transfers to the lender.
- Collateral Shock: A reduction in the value of collateral. Collateral shocks make borrowing and lending more difficult.