Chapter 14 - Social Psychotherapy Flashcards
Social conformity experiment
75% of naive subjects gave wrong answer
Feel social pressure to conform
Pre judge before all the information is in
Everyone has prejudice
Stanley milgram’s obedience to authority experiment (Yale)
Shocking machine 45-450 volts
-XXX extreme danger marked at 450v
None of the teachers stopped short of 300v
65% (2/3) went all the way to 450v
Paired association
-when student gets question wrong, they get shocked
Teacher must shock for wrong answer
No answer is wrong answer
Learners were in on the experiment and not actually getting shocked
Teachers so stressed some suffered seizures
Social loafing
When you work in groups you don’t do nearly as much work as you do alone
Diffuse sense of responsibility
Bystander effect
More people around, less likely they are to receive help
Negative effects of being helpful
Can make person look ad or less competent
Brain washing
Only effective temporarily
Wen subject returns home, tend to return to original beliefs
3 steps of brain washing
Unfreeze - take out original thoughts
Change - to new thoughts
Refreeze - new attitude
Assertiveness training
Line between assertive and aggressive
Stand up for your rights
Pushing yourself on other people
- verbal, physical or both
- aggressive
3 basic rights of assertiveness training
Right to refuse
Right to request
Right to right a wrong
Broken record technique
Restate your request/demands without backing down
Over learning assertiveness technique
Practice what you are going to say before you say it
Tuxedo less penguin is accepted after ___ weeks f rejection
Prefer mirror image of yourself
-it is what you are used to