Chapter 14 – Red Blood Cell: HEMOLYTIC ANEMIAS Flashcards
Hemolytic anemias share the following features
- • Premature destruction of red cells and a shortened red cell life span below the normal 120 days
- • Elevated erythropoietin levels and a compensatory increase in erythropoiesis
- • Accumulation of hemoglobin degradation products released by red cell breakdown derived from hemoglobin
Where does the physiologic destruction of senescent red cells takes place?
within mononuclear phagocytes,
which are abundant in the spleen, liver, and bone marrow.
What triggers the physiologic destruction of senescent red cells takes place?
age-dependent changes in red cell surface proteins, which lead to their recognition and
What is extravascular hemolysis?
[1] In the great majority of hemolytic anemias the premature destruction of red
cells also occurs within phagocytes, an event that is referred to as extravascular hemolysis.
What happens when there is a persistent extravascular hemolysis?
- *hyperplasia of phagocytes** manifested by varying
- *degrees of splenomegaly.**
What is the general caused of extravascular hemolysis?
Extravascular hemolysis is generally caused by alterations that render the red cell less
What is required for RC to navigate the splenic sinusoids successfully?
Extreme changes in shape are required for red cells to navigate the splenic sinusoids successfully.
Reduced deformability makes this passage difficult, leading to red cell sequestration and phagocytosis within the cords
What makes the RC sequestration and phagocytosis within the cords?
Reduced deformability
makes this passage difficult, leading to red cell sequestration and phagocytosis within the cords
Regardless of the cause, the principal clinical
features of extravascular hemolysis are
- (1) anemia,
- (2) splenomegaly,
- and (3) jaundice
What is the reason for decrease in haptoglobin?
Some hemoglobin inevitably escapes from phagocytes, which leads to variable decreases in plasma
haptoglobin, an α2-globulin that binds free hemoglobin and prevents its excretion in the urine.
Why do individuals with extravascular hemolysis benefit form splenectomy?
Because much of the pathologic destruction of red cells occurs in the spleen, individuals with
extravascular hemolysis often benefit from splenectomy.
What is the cause of intravascular hemolysis?
Less commonly, intravascular hemolysis predominates.
Intravascular hemolysis of red cells may
be caused by mechanical injury, complement fixation, intracellular parasites (e.g., falciparum
malaria, Chapter 8 ), or exogenous toxic factors.
Causes of mechanical injury include trauma
caused by cardiac valves, thrombotic narrowing of the microcirculation, or repetitive physical
trauma (e.g., marathon running and bongo drum beating).
Complement fixation occurs in a
variety of situations in which antibodies recognize and bind red cell antigens.
Toxic injury is
exemplified by clostridial sepsis, which results in the release of enzymes that digest the red cell
Whatever the mechanism, intravascular hemolysis is manifested by :
- (1) anemia,
- (2) hemoglobinemia,
- (3) hemoglobinuria,
- (4) hemosiderinuria, and
- (5) jaundice.
What is the reason for the red-brown color of urine in intravascular hemolysis?
The large amounts
of free hemoglobin released from lysed red cellsare promptlybound by haptoglobin, producing
a complex that is rapidly cleared by mononuclear phagocytes.
As serum haptoglobin is
depleted, free hemoglobinoxidizes to methemoglobin, which is brown in color.
The renal
proximal tubular cells reabsorb and catabolize much of the filtered hemoglobin and
methemoglobin,butsome passes out in the urine, imparting a red-brown color.
Iron released
from hemoglobin can accumulate within tubular cells, giving rise to renal hemosiderosis.
What is the reason for jaundice in intravascular hemolysis?
Concomitantly, heme groups derived from hemoglobinhaptoglobin complexes are catabolized to
bilirubin within mononuclear phagocytes, leading to jaundice.
Unlike in extravascular hemolysis,
________ is not seen intravascular hemolysis?
In all types of uncomplicated hemolytic anemias, the excess serum bilirubin is ____________
The level of hyperbilirubinemia depends on the functional capacity of the liver and the rate of
hemolysis. When the liver is normal, jaundice is rarely severe.
Excessive bilirubin excreted by
the liver into the gastrointestinal tract leads to increased formation and fecal excretion of
urobilin ( Chapter 18 ), and often leads to the formation of gallstones derived from heme pigments.
Certain changes are seen in hemolytic anemias regardless of cause or type.
Anemia and lowered tissue oxygen tension trigger the production of __________, which
stimulates erythroid differentiation and leads to the appearance of increased numbers of
erythroid precursors (normoblasts) in the marrow ( Fig. 14-1 ).
What results in the Compensatory
increases in erythropoiesis?
prominent reticulocytosis in the peripheral blood
What is hemosiderosis?
The phagocytosis of red cells leads to hemosiderosis, which is most pronounced in the
spleen, liver, and bone marrow.
Why does in chronic hemolysis formation of pigment gallstones can occur?
With chronic hemolysis, elevated biliary
excretion of bilirubin promotes the formation of pigment gallstones (cholelithiasis).
FIGURE 14-1 Marrow smear from a patient with hemolytic anemia. The marrow reveals
greatly increased numbers of maturing erythroid progenitors (normoblasts).
What is hereditary spherocytosis?
This inherited disorder is caused by intrinsic defects in the red cell membrane skeleton that
render red cells spheroid, less deformable, and vulnerable to splenic sequestration and destruction. [2]
The prevalence of HS is highest in northern Europe, where rates of 1 in 5000 are reported.
An autosomal dominant inheritance pattern is seen in about 75% of cases.
remaining patients have a more severe form of the disease that is usually caused by the
inheritance of two different defects (a state known as compound heterozygosity).
The remarkable elasticity and durability of the normal red cell are attributable to what?
The remarkable elasticity and durability of the normal red cell are attributable to the physicochemical properties of its specialized membrane skeleton ( Fig. 14-2 ), which lies closely apposed to the internal surface of the plasma membrane
What is the chief protein component of the RC skeloton?
Its chief protein component, spectrin,
consists of two polypeptide chains, α and β, which form intertwined (helical) flexible
What is the pathogenesis of hereditary spherocytosis?
HS is caused by diverse mutations that lead to an insufficiency of membrane skeletal
As a result of these alterations, the life span of the affected red cells is decreased
on average to 10 to 20 days from the normal 120 days. The pathogenic mutations most
commonly affect ankyrin, band 3, spectrin, or band 4.2, the proteins involved in the first of the
two tethering interactions, presumably because this complex is particularly important in
stabilizing the lipid bilayer.
Most mutations cause shifts in reading frame or introduce premature
stop codons, such that the mutated allele fails to produce any protein. The defective synthesis
of the affected protein reduces the assembly of the skeleton as a whole and results in a
decrease in the density of the membrane skeleton components. Compound heterozygosity for
two defective alleles understandably results in a more severe membrane skeleton deficiency.
Quick: Physiology
The “head” regions of spectrin dimers self-associate to form tetramers, while the “tails” associate with actin oligomers. Each actin oligomer can bind multiple spectrin tetramers, thus creating a two-dimensional spectrin-actin skeleton that is connected to the cell membrane by two distinct interactions.
The first, involving the proteins ankyrin and band 4.2, binds spectrin to the transmembrane ion transporter, band 3.
The second, involving protein 4.1, binds the
“tail” of spectrin to another transmembrane protein, glycophorin A.
Describe how the shape of the RBCs of hereditory spherocytosis attained?
Young HS red cells are normal in shape, but the deficiency of membrane skeleton reduces the
stability of the lipid bilayer, leading to the loss of membrane fragments as red cells age in the
The loss of membrane relative to cyt oplasm “forces” the cells to assume the smallest possible diameter for a given volume, namely, a sphere.
What is the cardinal role of the spleen in hereditary spherocytosis?
The invariably beneficial effects of splenectomy prove that the spleen has a cardinal role in the premature demise of spherocytes
Why does the spleen becomes the villain in hereditary spherocytosis?
the life of the portly inflexible spherocyte, the spleen is the villain.
Normal red cells must
undergo extreme deformation to leave the cords of Billroth and enter the sinusoids.
Because of
their spheroidal shape and reduced deformability, the hapless spherocytes are trapped in the
splenic cords, where they provide a happy meal for phagocytes.
The splenic environment also
somehow exacerbates the tendency of HS red cells to lose membrane along with K + ions and
H2O; prolonged splenic exposure (erythrostasis), depletion of red cell glucose, and diminished
red cell pH have all been suggested to contribute to these abnormalities ( Fig. 14-3 ).
splenectomy the spherocytes persist, but the anemia is corrected.
Why does the splenic environment exacerbates the tendency of HS red cells to lose membrane?
The splenic environment also
somehow exacerbates the tendency of HS red cells to lose membrane along with K + ions and
prolonged splenic exposure (erythrostasis), depletion of red cell glucose, and diminished
red cell pH have all been suggested to contribute to these abnormalities ( Fig. 14-3 ).
FIGURE 14-3 Pathophysiology of hereditary spherocytosis.
What is the most specific morphologic finding of HS?
The most specific morphologic finding is spherocytosis, apparent on
smears as abnormally small, dark-staining (hyperchromic) red cells lacking the central zone of
pallor ( Fig. 14-4 ).
Spherocytosis is distinctive but not pathognomonic, since other forms of membrane loss, such as in autoimmune hemolytic anemias, also cause the formation of spherocytes.
What are the other features of HS that are common to all hemolytic anemias?
Other features are common to all hemolytic anemias. These include:
- reticulocytosis,
- marrow erythroid hyperplasia,
- hemosiderosis,
- and mild jaundice.
- Cholelithiasis (pigment stones) occurs in 40% to 50% of affected adults.
- Moderate splenic enlargement is characteristic (500–1000 gm); in few other hemolytic anemias is the spleen enlarged as much or as consistently. Splenomegaly results from congestion of the cords of Billroth and increased numbers of phagocytes needed to clear the spherocytes.
FIGURE 14-4 Hereditary spherocytosis (peripheral smear). Note the anisocytosis and
several dark-appearing spherocytes with no central pallor.
Howell-Jolly bodies (small dark
nuclear remnants) are also present in red cells of this asplenic patient.
How do you diagnose HS?
The diagnosis is based on family history, hematologic findings, and laboratory evidence.
In two
thirds of the patients the red cells are abnormally sensitive to osmotic lysis when incubated in
hypotonic salt solutions, which causes the influx of water into spherocytes with little margin for
HS red cells also have an increased mean cell hemoglobin concentration , due to
dehydration caused by the loss of K + and H2O.
What is the reason for the HS red cells have an increased mean cell hemoglobin concentration?
HS red cells also have an increased mean cell hemoglobin concentration , due to
dehydration caused by the loss of K + and H2O.
What are the characteristic clinical features of HS?
- anemia,
- splenomegaly, and
- jaundice .
The severity of HS varies greatly.
In a small minority (mainly compound heterozygotes) HS presents at birth with marked jaundice and requires exchange transfusions.
In 20% to 30% of patients the disease is
so mild as to be virtually asymptomatic; here the decreased red cell survival is readily
compensated for by increased erythropoiesis.
In most, however, the compensatory changes are outpaced, producing a chronic hemolytic anemia of mild to moderate severity
The generally
stable clinical course of HS is sometimes punctuated by aplastic crises, usually triggered by an :
acute parvovirus infection.
Parvovirus infects and kills red cell progenitors, causing red cell production to cease until an effective immune response commences, generally in 1 to 2 weeks.
Because of
the reduced life span of HS red cells, cessation of erythropoiesis for even short time periods leads to sudden worsening of the anemia.
Transfusions may be necessary to support the
patient until the immune response clears the infection.
Hemolytic crises are produced by
intercurrent events leading to increased splenic destruction of red cells (e.g., infectious
mononucleosis); these are clinically less significant than aplastic crises.
Gallstones, found in
many patients, can also produce symptoms. Splenectomy treats the anemia and its
complications, but brings with it the risk of sepsis.
The red cell is vulnerable to injury by exogenous and endogenous oxidants.
Abnormalities in
the hexose monophosphate shunt or glutathione metabolism resulting from deficient or
impaired enzyme function reduce the ability of red cells to protect themselves against oxidative
injuries and lead to hemolysis.
What is the most important derangement of these enzyme derangement?
hereditary deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) activity.
What is the function of G6PD?
G6PD reduces
nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP) to NADPH while oxidizing glucose-6-
phosphate ( Fig. 14-5 ).
NADPH then provides reducing equivalents needed for conversion of oxidized glutathione to reduced glutathione, which protects against oxidant injury by catalyzing the breakdown of compounds such as H2O2 ( Chapter 1 ).
FIGURE 14-5 Role of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) in defense against
oxidant injury. The disposal of H2O2, a potential oxidant, is dependent on the adequacy of
reduced glutathione (GSH), which is generated by the action of the reduced form of
nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADPH). The synthesis of NADPH is dependent on the
activity of G6PD. GSSG, oxidized glutathione.
What type of hereditary disease is G6PD deficiency
recessive X-linked trait, placing males at higher risk for symptomatic disease.
Several hundred G6PD genetic variants are known, but most are harmless.
Only two
variants, __________ cause most of the clinically significant
hemolytic anemias.
G6PD - and G6PD Mediterranean
G6PD - is present in about 10% of American blacks; G6PD Mediterranean, as the name implies, is prevalent in the Middle East. The high frequency of these variants in each population is believed to stem from a protective effect against Plasmodium falciparum
G6PD variants associated with hemolysis result in misfolding of the protein, making it more
susceptible to proteolytic degradation.
Compared with the most common normal variant, G6PD B, the half-life of G6PD - is moderately reduced, whereas that of G6PD Mediterranean is more
markedly abnormal.
Because mature red cells do not synthesize new proteins, G6PD - or G6PD
Mediterranean enzyme activities fall quickly to levels inadequate to protect against oxidant
stress as red cells age. Thus, older red cells are much more prone to hemolysis than younger
What is the characteristic of G6PD?
The episodic hemolysis that is characteristic of G6PD deficiency is caused by exposures that
generate oxidant stress.
What is the most common triggers of episodic G6PD hemolysis?
The most common triggers are infections, in which oxygen-derived free
radicals are produced by activated leukocytes.
Many infections can trigger hemolysis; viral
hepatitis, pneumonia, and typhoid fever are among those most likely to do so.
The other
important initiators are drugs and certain foods.
What are the oxidant drugs that trigger G6PD hemolysis?
The oxidant drugs implicated are numerous,
including antimalarials (e.g., primaquine and chloroquine), sulfonamides, nitrofurantoins, and
Some drugs cause hemolysis only in individuals with the more severe Mediterranean
What is the most frequent cited food which generates oxidants when metabolized?
The most frequently cited food is the fava bean, which generates oxidants when
metabolized. “
Favism” is endemic in the Mediterranean, Middle East, and parts of Africa where consumption is prevalent.
- *Uncommonly, G6PD deficiency presents as neonatal jaundice or a chronic low-grade hemolytic anemia in the absence of infection or known environmental
triggers. **
Oxidants cause both intravascular and extravascular hemolysis in G6PD-deficient individuals .
T or F
What are Heinz bodies?
Exposure of G6PD-deficient red cells to high levels of oxidants causes the cross-linking of
reactive sulfhydryl groupsonglobin chains, which become denaturedandform membranebound
precipitates known as Heinz bodies.
These are seen as dark inclusions within red cells
stained with crystal violet( Fig. 14-6 ).
Heinz bodies can damage the membrane sufficiently to cause intravascular hemolysis.
Less severe membrane damage results in decreased red cell deformability. As inclusion-bearing red cells pass through the splenic cords, macrophages pluck
out the Heinz bodies.
As a result of membrane damage, some of these partially devoured cells retain an abnormal shape, appearing to have a bite taken out of them (see Fig. 14-6 ). Other
less severely damaged cells revert to a spherocytic shape due to loss of membrane surface
Both bite cells and spherocytes are trapped in splenic cords and removed rapidly by
FIGURE 14-6 G6PD deficiency: effects of oxidant drug exposure (peripheral blood smear).
Inset, Red cells with precipitates of denatured globin (Heinz bodies) revealed by supravital
As the splenic macrophages pluck out these inclusions, “bite cells” like the one in
this smear are produced.
What happens after 2 to 3 days of exposure of G6PD-deficient individuals to oxidants
Acute intravascular hemolysis, marked by anemia, hemoglobinemia, and hemoglobinuria ,
usually begins 2 to 3 days following exposure of G6PD-deficient individuals to oxidants.
hemolysis tends to be greater in individuals with the highly unstable G6PD Mediterranean
Why is the episode of acute hemolysis in G6PD individuals self-limited?
Since only older red cells are at risk for lysis, the episode is self-limited, since
hemolysis ceases when only younger G6PD-replete red cells remain (even if administration of
an offending drug continues).
The recovery phase is heralded by reticulocytosis.
What is sickle cell disease?
Sickle cell disease is a common hereditary hemoglobinopathy that occurs primarily in
individuals of African descent
What is the biochemical structure of Hgb?
Hemoglobin, as you recall, is a
tetrameric protein composed of two pairs of globin chains, each with its own heme group.
Normal adult red cells contain mainly HbA (α2β2), along with small amounts of HbA2 (α2δ2) and
fetal hemoglobin (HbF; α2γ2).
What is the normal adult red cells composition?
HbA (α2β2),
along with small amounts of HbA2 (α2δ2) and
fetal hemoglobin (HbF; α2γ2).
What is the cause of Sickle disease?
- *point mutation** in the sixth
- *codon of β-globin** that leads to the replacement of a glutamate residue with a valine residue responsible for the disease
GV is sick!!!
What is the epidemiology of Sickle Cell Disease?
About 8% to 10% of African Americans, or roughly 2 million individuals, are heterozygous for
HbS, a largely asymptomatic condition known as sickle cell trait.
The offspring of two
heterozygotes has a 1 in 4 chance of being homozygous for the sickle mutation, a state that
produces symptomatic sickle cell disease.
In such individuals, almost all the hemoglobin in the
red cell is HbS (α2β s 2). There are about 70,000 individuals with sickle cell disease in the
United States. In certain populations in Africa the prevalence of heterozygosity is as high as
30%. This high frequency probably stems from protection afforded by HbS against falciparum
What is the pathogenesis of HbS?
HbS molecules undergo polymerization when deoxygenated .
Initially the red cell cytosol
converts from a freely flowing liquid to a viscous gel as HbS aggregates form.
With continued
deoxygenation aggregated HbS molecules assemble into long needle-like fibers within red cells,
producing a distorted sickle or holly-leaf shape.
The presence of HbS underlies the major pathologic manifestations:
(1) chronic hemolysis,
(2) microvascular occlusions, and
(3) tissue damage.
Several variables affect the rate and degree
of sickling:
- Interaction of HbS with the other types of hemoglobin in the cell
- Mean cell hemoglobin concentration (MCHC).
- Intracellular pH.
- Transit time of red cells through microvascular beds
What is the reason why heterozygotes with sickle cell trait do not sickle except under conditions of profound hypoxia?
In heterozygotes with
sickle cell trait, about 40% of the hemogtlobin is HbS and the rest is HbA, which
interferes with HbS polymerization.
As a result, red cells in heterozygous individuals do
not sickle except under conditions of profound hypoxia.
Why are infants do not become symptomatic until they reach 5 or 6 months of age?
HbF inhibits the polymerization
of HbS even more than HbA; hence, infants do not become symptomatic until they reach
5 or 6 months of age, when the level of HbF normally falls.
What is hereditary persistence of HbF?
However, in some individuals
HbF expression remains at relatively high levels, a condition known as hereditary persistence of HbF
in these individuals, sickle cell disease is much less severe.
What is HbC?
variant hemoglobin is HbC, in which lysine is substituted for glutamate in the sixth amino
acid residue of β-globin.
In HbSC cells the percentage of HbS is 50%, as compared with only 40% in HbAS cells.
Moreover, HbSC cells tend to lose salt and water and become dehydrated, which increases the intracellular concentration of HbS.
Both of these
factors increase the tendency for HbS to polymerize.
As a result, individuals with HbS
and HbChave asymptomatic sickling disorder (termed HbSC disease), but it is milder than sickle cell disease.
About 2% to 3% of American blacks are asymptomatic HbC heterozygotes, and about 1 in 1250 has HbSC disease
What is HbSC disease?
Another variant hemoglobin is HbC, in which lysine is substituted for glutamate in the sixth amino
acid residue of β-globin.
In HbSC cells the percentage of HbS is 50%, as compared with only 40% in HbAS cells.
Moreover, HbSC cells tend to lose salt and water and become dehydrated, which increases the intracellular concentration of HbS.
*Both of these
factors increase the tendency for HbS to polymerize.*
As a result, individuals with HbS
and HbC have a symptomatic sickling disorder (termed HbSC disease), but it is milder than sickle cell disease.
About 2% to 3% of American blacks are asymptomatic HbC heterozygotes, and about 1 in 1250 has HbSC disease
Why does conditions that increase MCHC increase the disease severity?
Mean cell hemoglobin concentration (MCHC).
- *Higher HbS concentrations** increase the
- *probability that aggregation and polymerization** will occur during any given period of deoxygenation.
Thus, intracellular dehydration, which increases the MCHC, facilitates sickling.
Conversely, conditions that decrease the MCHC reduce the disease severity.
This occurs when the individual is homozygous for HbS but also has coexistent α-
thalassemia, which reduces Hb synthesis and leads to milder disease.
What conditions that increase MCHC increase the disease severity?
intracellular dehydration, which increases the MCHC, facilitates sickling.
What pH will increase the fraction of deoxygenated HbS at any given oxygen tension and augment the tendency for sickling?
. A decrease in pH reduces the oxygen affinity of hemoglobin, thereby increasing the fraction of deoxygenated HbS at any given oxygen tension and
augmenting the tendency for sickling.
How does transit time affect the sickling of cells?
Transit times in most normal microvascular beds are too short for significant aggregation of deoxygenated HbS to occur, and as a result sickling is
confined to microvascular beds with slow transit times.
Transit times are slow in the
normal spleen and bone marrow, which are prominently affected in sickle cell disease,
and also in vascular beds that are inflamed.
The movement of blood through inflamed tissues is slowed because of the adhesion of leukocytes and red cells to activated endothelial cells and the transudation of fluid through leaky vessels.
As a result, inflamed vascular beds are prone to sickling and occlusion.
Sickle red cells may express elevated levels of several adhesion molecules that have been implicated in binding to endothelial cells. [4] [5] [6]
There is also
evidence suggesting that sickle red cells induce some degree of endothelial activation, [7] which may be related to the adhesion of red cells and granulocytes, vasoocclusion– induced hypoxia, and other insults.
Sickling causes cumulative damage to red cells through what mechanisms?
As HbS polymers grow, they herniate through the membrane skeleton and project from the cell ensheathed by only the lipid bilayer.
This severe derangement in membrane structure causes the influx of Ca [2] + ions, which induce the cross-linking of membrane proteins and activate an ion channel that permits the efflux of K + and H2O.
With repeated episodes of sickling, red cells become increasingly dehydrated, dense, and rigid ( Fig. 14-7 ).
Eventually, the most severely damaged
cells are converted to end-stage, nondeformable, irreversibly sickled cells, which retain a sickle
shape even when fully oxygenated.
The severity of the hemolysis correlates with the
percentage of irreversibly sickled cells, which are rapidly sequestered and removed by
mononuclear phagocytes (extravascular hemolysis). Sickled red cells are also mechanically
fragile, leading to some intravascular hemolysis as well.
The severity of the hemolysis correlates with the
percentage of irreversibly sickled cells,which are rapidly sequestered and removed by
mononuclear phagocytes (extravascular hemolysis).
T or F
Sickled red cells are also mechanically
fragile, leading to some intravascular hemolysis as well.
FIGURE 14-7 Pathophysiology of sickle cell disease
What is the pathophysiology of the microvascular occlusions?
The pathogenesis of the microvascular occlusions, which are responsible for the most serious
clinical features, is less certain.
Microvascular occlusions are not related to the number of irreversibly sickled cells in the blood, but instead may be dependent upon more subtle red cell
membrane damage and other factors, such as inflammation, that tend to slow or arrest the
movement of red cells through microvascular beds (see Fig. 14-7 ).
Sickle red cells express higher than normal levels of adhesion molecules and are sticky.
released from granulocytes during inflammatory reactions up-regulate the expression of
adhesion molecules on endothelial cells ( Chapter 2 ) and further enhance the tendency for sickle red cells to get arrested during transit throughthe microvasculature.
A possible role for
inflammatory cells is suggested by observations showing that the leukocyte count correlates
with the frequency of pain crises and other measures of tissue damage.
The stagnation of red
cells within inflamed vascular beds results in extended exposure to low oxygen tension, sickling,
and vascular obstruction.
Once started, it is easy to envision how a vicious cycle of sickling, obstruction, hypoxia, and more sickling ensues.
Depletion of nitric oxide (NO) may also play a
part in the vascular occlusions
. Free hemoglobin released from lysed sickle red cells can bind and inactivate NO, which is a potent vasodilator and inhibitor of platelet aggregation.
reduced NO increases vascular tone (narrowing vessels) and enhances platelet aggregation,
both of which may contribute to red cell stasis, sickling, and (in some instances) thrombosis
What is the appearance of full-blown sickle cell anemia?
the peripheral blood demonstrates variable
numbers of irreversibly sickled cells,reticulocytosis,and target cells, which result from red cell
dehydration ( Fig. 14-8 ).
Howell-Jolly bodies (small nuclear remnants) are also present in some red cells due to the asplenia (see below).
The bone marrow is hyperplastic as a result
of a compensatory erythroid hyperplasia.
Expansion of the marrow leads to bone resorption
and secondary new bone formation, resulting in prominent cheekbones and changes in the
skull that resemble a crew-cut in x-rays.
Extramedullary hematopoiesis can also appear. The
increased breakdown of hemoglobin can cause pigment gallstones and hyperbilirubinemia
What is the appearanc ef spleen in early childhood of patients with Sickle cell?
In early childhood, the spleen is enlarged up to 500 gm by red pulp congestion, which is
caused by the trapping of sickled red cells in the cords and sinuses ( Fig. 14-9 ).
With time,
however, the chronic erythrostasis leads to splenic infarction, fibrosis, and progressive
shrinkage, so that by adolescence or early adulthood only a small nubbin of fibrous splenic
tissue is left; this process is called autosplenectomy ( Fig. 14-10 ).
Infarctions caused by
vascular occlusions can occur in many other tissues as well, including the bones, brain, kidney, liver, retina, and pulmonary vessels, the latter sometimes producing cor pulmonale.
In adult patients, vascular stagnation in subcutaneous tissues often leads to leg ulcers; this
complication is rare in children.
What is autosplenectomy?
With time,
however, the chronic erythrostasis leads to splenic infarction, fibrosis, and progressive
shrinkage, so that by adolescence or early adulthood only a small nubbin of fibrous splenic
tissue is left; this process is called autosplenectomy ( Fig. 14-10 ).
Infarctions caused by
vascular occlusions can occur in many other tissues as well, including the bones, brain,
kidney, liver, retina, and pulmonary vessels, the latter sometimes producing cor pulmonale.
In adult patients, vascular stagnation in subcutaneous tissues often leads to leg ulcers; this
complication is rare in children.
FIGURE 14-8 Sickle cell disease (peripheral blood smear).
- A, Low magnification shows sickle cells, anisocytosis, and poikilocytosis.
- B, Higher magnification shows an irreversibly sickled cell in the center.
FIGURE 14-9 A, Spleen in sickle cell disease (low power). Red pulp cords and sinusoids
are markedly congested; between the congested areas, pale areas of fibrosis resulting
from ischemic damage are evident. B, Under high power, splenic sinusoids are dilated and
filled with sickled red cells
FIGURE 14-10 “Autoinfarcted” splenic remnant in sickle cell disease.
What are the clinical features of sickle cella disease?
Sickle cell disease causes a moderately severe hemolytic anemia (hematocrit 18% to 30%) that
is associated with reticulocytosis, hyperbilirubinemia, and the presence of irreversibly sickled
cells. Its course is punctuatedby a variety of “crises.”
What is Vaso-occlusive crises?
Vaso-occlusive crises, also called pain
- *crises,** are episodes of hypoxic injury and infarction that cause severe pain in the affected
- *region.**
What can act as triggers for sickle cell?
Although infection, dehydration, and acidosis (all of which favor sickling) can act as triggers, in most instances no predisposing cause is identified
What are the commonly involved sites in sickle disease?
- bones,
- lungs,
- liver,
- brain,
- spleen, and
- penis.
What is common in children with sickle cell disease?
In children, painful bone crises are
extremely common and often difficult to distinguish from acute osteomyelitis
These frequently
manifest as the hand-foot syndrome or dactylitis of the bones of the hands or feet, or both.
What is a particularly dangerous type of vaso-occlusive crisis involving the lungs, which typically presents with fever, cough, chest pain, and pulmonary infiltrates?
Acute chest syndrome
Pulmonary inflammation (such as may be induced by a simple infection) causes blood flow to become sluggish and “spleenlike,” leading to sickling and vaso-occlusion.
This compromises
pulmonary function, creating a potentially fatal cycle of worsening pulmonary and systemic
hypoxemia, sickling, and vaso-occlusion.
Other forms of vascular obstruction, particularly
stroke, can take a devastating toll.
Factors proposed to contribute to stroke include the
adhesion of sickle red cells to arterial vascular endothelium and vasoconstriction caused by the
depletion of NO by free hemoglobin
What are the factors the proposed to stroke in sickle cell disease?
Factors proposed to contribute to stroke include the
- *adhesion of sickle red cells t**o arterial vascular endothelium and vasoconstriction caused by the
- *depletion of NO by free hemoglobin.**
What is the most common cause of patient morbidity and mortality in sickle cell disease?
occlusive crises
alathou several other acute events complicate the course.
When does sequestratio crises occur?
Sequestration crises occur in children with
intact spleens.
Massive entrapment of sickle red cells leads to rapid splenic enlargement, hypovolemia, and sometimes shock.
These complications may be fatal in several cases.
Survival from sequestration crises and the acute chest syndrome requires treatment with exchange transfusions.
Where does Aplastic crises stem from?
Aplastic crises stem from the infection of red cell progenitors by
parvovirus B19, which causes a transient cessation of erythropoiesis and a sudden worsening
of the anemia.
In sickle cell what is responsible for a generalized impairment of growth d development?
Chronic hypoxia is responsible for a generalized impairment of growth and development, as well
as organ damage affecting spleen, heart, kidneys, and lungs.
What is the reason for patients of sickle cell disease to have hyposthenuria?
Sickling provoked by
hypertonicity in the renal medulla causes damage that eventually leads to hyposthenuria (the
inability to concentrate urine), whichincreases the propensity for dehydration and its attendant
Why does Increased susceptibility to infection with encapsulated organisms is another threat to patients with sickle cell disease?
Increased susceptibility to infection with encapsulated organisms is another threat.
This is due
in large part to altered splenic function, which is severely impaired in children by congestion
and poor blood flow, andcompletely absent in adults because of splenic infarction.
Defects of
uncertain etiology in the alternative complement pathway also impair the opsonization of
Pneumococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae septicemia and meningitis,
common causes of death, particularly in children, can be reduced by vaccination and
prophylactic antibiotics.
there is great variation in the clinical manifestations of sickle cell
T or F
It must be emphasized that there is great variation in the clinical manifestations of sickle cell
disease. Some individuals are crippled by repeated vaso-occlusive crises, whereas others have
only mild symptoms. The basis for this wide range in disease expression is not understood