Chapter 14: Reconstructing and Using Phylogenies Flashcards
What is phylogeny?
the evolutionary history of life and the relationships between different organisms
What is a phylogenetic tree?
A diagrammatic reconstruction of the evolutionary history of orgnaisms
What is lineage?
Series of ancestor and descendant populations.
The common ancestor of all the organisms in the tree forms the ___________(1) of the phylogenetic tree.
(1) root
The root of the tree is located between the ungroup and the outgrip
What is a taxon?
Any group of species designated with a name. A group of one or more populations of organisms that form a unit as defined by taxonimists.
Can be monophyletic, paraphyletic, or polyphyletic.
What is a clade?
A group of organisms that are monophyletic and composed of a common ancestor and all its lineal descendants.
The _______________(1) is the complete, evolutionary history of life.
tree of life
What are ancestral traits?
Shared traits inherited from a common ancestor
What is a derived trait?
A trait that differs from its ancestral form
What are homologous features?
Any features shared by two or more species that descended from a common ancestor. Have similar features
What is a synapomorphy?
Derived traits that are shared among a group and are viewed as evidence of the common ancestry of the group
Ex. vertebral column is a synapomorphy for all vertebrates
Between the bat and bird wing, what is homoplastic and homologous?
Bone structure is homologous
Wings are homoplastic
What is evolutionary reversal?
When a species has a trait but then loses it
What is a homoplastic trait?
Similar traits generated by convergent evolution and/or evolutionary reversals
What is the in-group in a phylogenetic tree?
The group of organisms of primary interest
What is the outgroup?
Species or group known to be closely related to but outside of the group of interest.
Evolutionary relationships of species can be determined by comparing ___________________(1).
(1) the genomes
What is a zoonotic disease?
Infectious organisms are transmitted to humans from another animal host.
Rates of molecular change are constant enough to _____________________(1)
(1) predict the timing of lineage splits
A _____________________(1) uses the average rate at which a given gene or protein accumulates changes to gauge the time of divergence.
(1) molecular clock
The biological classification system was started by _____________________(1) in the ____________(2).
(1) Carolus Linnaeus
(2) 1700s
What are the rules for binomial nomenclature?
Genus is first and capitalized
Species name is second and not capitalized
What are the seven main taxonomic ranks?
Basing phylogenetic trees on physiological traits and visual characteristics leads to?
The misidentification of species
Draw paraphyletic, polyphyletic, and monophyletic.
Refer to diagram