Chapter 14 Professional Conduct Flashcards
Abusive manner
Treating others with conduct that may result in harm, fear, humiliation, manipulation, or exploitation. For example, berating a project
team member because they’ve taken longer than
expected to complete a project assignment may
be considered humiliation.
Conflict of interest
A situation where a project manager may have two competing duties of loyalty. For example, purchasing software from a relative may benefit the relative, but it may do harm to the
performing organization.
Duty of loyalty
A project manager’s responsibility to be loyal to another person, organization, or vendor. For example, a project manager has a duty of loyalty to promote the best interests of an employer
rather than the best interests of a vendor.
PMI member
Anyone, whether certified as a project manager or not, who has joined the Project Management
A person who is serving in the capacity of a project manager or contributing to the management of a project, portfolio of projects, or program. For example, a program manager is considered to be a project practitioner under this
Sapir wharf hypothesis
The language that you speak effects how you think. Understanding the language the better you are able to understand how people think and act in that culture
Culture shock
Initial reaction to forge in country. At first feel disoriented and unknown combat by educationist self on culture
Measure other culture by your own usually with attitude that own culture is better