Chapter 14 - Pricing goods & services Flashcards
Distributed product development
Handing off various parts of your innovation process
Good quality at a fair price
Total product offer
Everything that consumers evaluate when deciding whether to buy something; value package
Product line
Group of products that are physically similar or are intended for a similar market
Product mix
The combination of product lines offered by a manufacturer
Product differentiation
Creation of real or perceived product differences
Convenience goods and services
Products that consumer wants to purchase frequently and with a minimum of effort
Shopping goods and services
Products bought only after comparing value, quality, price, and style from a variety of sellers
Specialty goods and services
Products with unique characteristics and brand identity (special effort to purchase them)
Unsought goods and services
Products that consumers are unaware of, didn’t really think of buying, or need to buy to solve an unexpected problem
Industrial goods
Products used in the production of other products
Grouping two or more products together and pricing them as a unit
A name, symbol, or design that identifies a good or service of one seller or group of sellers and distinguishes them from the goods and services of competitors
A brand that has exclusive legal protection for both its brand-name and design
Manufacturers brands
Brand names of Manufacturers that distributes products nationally