Chapter 14 - Price Dynamics Flashcards
the only element in the marketing mix that generates revenue
Types of Pricing
used to achieve the highest possible contribution in a short time period
*starting with a high price for a new product
Types of Pricing
Market Pricing
final customer price is determined based on competitve prices
*pricing something you’reselling based off how much similar things are selling for
Types of Pricing
Penetration Pricing
offer products at a low price to generate volume sales and achieve high market share
*starting with a low price for a new product to quickly get a lot of people to buy it.
The Setting of Export Prices
Standard Worldwide Price
Based on average unit of costs of fixed, variable and export-related costs
- there is no single set price everywhere – prices change based on where you are and what people are willing to pay
The Setting of Export Prices
Dual pricing
differentiates between domestic and export prices
when the same product or service is priced differently for different groups of people
e.g. locals might pay one price, while toursits pay a different (usually higher price)
Dual Pricing
Cost-plus method
the true cost
*setting a price for something by adding up how much it costs to make it and then adding a bit more for profit
Dual Pricing
Direct (marginal) cost method
considers cost for producing and selling products for export
*Pricing something based only on the costs directly related to making one more unit of that thing
The Setting of Export Prices
Market-differentitated pricing
calls for pricing exports according to the dynamic conditions of the marketplace
settings prices for exports based on what’s happening in the market
Ways price esclation can be overcome
- Reorganize the channel of distribution
- Adapt the product
- Use new or more economical tariff or tax classiciation
- Assemble or produce overseas
Managing Foreign Exchange Risk
Forward exchange market
*ways to manage exchange risks
special place where you can make deals with a bank to set a fixed rate for exchanging money in the future
*way for businesses (esp. those involved in international trade) to secure a specific exchange rate ahead of time
Managing Foreign Exchange Risk
Currency options market
gives the holder the right to buy or sell foreign currency at a prespecfified price on or up to a pre-specified date
*having the special right to either buy or sell foreign money at a set price, and you can do this on or before a specific date
Managing Foreign Exchange Risk
Currency futures market
Conceptually similar to forward market
Techniques to Adjust Pricing
when something (like a cost or a change) goes through without getting stuck
*example: if the cost of making a product goes up, and the company doesn’t keep that cost but passes it on to the customers, it’s like a cost-pass through
Techniques to Adjust Pricing
when something takes in or soaks up another thing – taking in costs so that they don’t need to get passed on to customers
*example: if a company faces higher production costs, but decides not to increase the product’s price, the company is absorbing those extra costs
Techniques to Adjust Pricing
Transfer Pricing
deciding how much money one part of a company pays another part for goods or services they exchange
*example: if a commpany has different branches and one branch sells something to another branch, transfer pricing is about deciding the right price for that exchange within the company
Transfer Pricing
Cost-based price
setting a price by looking at how much it costs to make a product or provide a service
- if it costs $5 to make a toy, you might add $3 more for profit – so you sell it for $8
Transfer Pricing
Market-based price
when looking at what similar things are selling with in the market and setting your price to be competitve with those
*Example: if other stores sell similar shoes for around $50, you might set your price close to that to stay competitive
Arm’s length price
deciding a fair price when two parts of a company exchange goods or services
*Example: if one department of a company sells computer parts to another depart. the arm’s length price is fair for that transaction