Chapter 14 - Nervous System Flashcards
CNS (Central Nervous System)
brain and spinal cord
PNS (Peripheral Nervous System)
controls balance
pia - innermost
arachnoid - middle
dura-matter - outermost
protect nerve tissue of the spinal cord and brain
Cerebrospinal fluid in the brain
inflammation of the first two meninges that cover the brain and spinal cord
uncontrolled cerebral discharges that recur at random intervals
warning signal ex) symptoms that precede an epileptic seizure
Fight or Flight Response
produced by the sympathetic nervous system which includes the following symptoms: high blood pressure and dilated pupils
also known as “lock jaw” is characterized by rigid, contracted muscles that are unable to relax
Cerebral Vascular Accident
a cerebral hemorrhage (bleeding in the brain) caused by high blood pressure. symptoms include: headaches and paralysis
Contorsion of the body caused by involuntary muscle movement
cause is unknown
Spina Bifida
one or more vertebrae fail to fuse, leaving an opening in the vertebral canal
Parkinson’s Disease
a progressive neural disease that affects muscle control and coordination which include the following symptoms: tremors and rigidness
Cerebral Cortex
makes the brain more efficient
inflammation of the brain and meninges caused by a viral infection
Lumbar Puncture “Spinal Tap”
Hollow needle is inserted into the spinal canal near L-4 to obtain cerebrospinal fluid
infectious disease of the brain or spinal cord
Alzheimer’s Disease
common form of dementia that affects people after the age of 65
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
chronic terminal degenerative disease of the motor nervous system
organic loss of intellectual functions
a recording of the brain waves
Huntington’s Chorea
progressive disease that results in the loss of muscle control
Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
chronic disorder of the CNS
dilation caused by the weathering in the wall of a blood vessel
Cerebral Palsy
disorder of the brain manifested by a motor impairment
nervous system regulation from a violent blow to the head
injury to the tissue without breaking the skin at the site of the trauma
Tissue Plasminogen Activator (TPA) “clot buster”
protein involved in the breaking of blood clots