Chapter 14: Money, Banking and the Federal reserve System Flashcards
asset that can easily be used to purchased goods/services
Currency in circulation
cash held by the public
checkable bank deposits
bank accounts on which people can write checks
money supply
total value of financial assets in the economy that are considered money
Roles of money
- medium of exchange: an asset that people acquire for the purpose of trading rather than for their own consumption; money, by increasing gains from trade, increases welfare.
- store of value: means of holding purchasing power over time
- unit of account: measure used to set prices and make economic calculations
Commodity money
Good used as a medium of exchange that has other uses
Commodity-backed money
medium of exchange with no intrinsic value whose ultimate value is guaranteed by a promise that it can be converted into valuable goods
Flat money
medium of exchange whose value derives entirely from its official status as a means of payment
Consists of assets used to buy groceries: currency, traveler’s checks, and checkable deposits
broader, includes savings accounts that can easily and quickly be converted into M1
Monetary aggregate
overall measure of money supply
financial assets that can’t be directly used as a medium of exchange but can readily be converted into cash or checkable bank deposits
Central bank
Institution that oversees and regulates the banking system and controls the monetary base ie Federal Reserve
Federal Reserve System
consists of Board of Governors in D.C. and regional Fed Res banks, each serving it’s district (12 of them)
Federal funds market
allows banks that fall short of the reserve requirement to borrow funds from banks with excess
federal funds rate
interest rate determined in the federal funds market
discount rate
rate of interest the Fed charges on loans to banks
Assets of Fed Reserve
govt debt ( 90% treasury bills)
Liabilities of Fed Reserve
monetary base (currency in circulation + bank reserves)
Fed Open market operations
principal tool of monetary policy: *Fed can increase the monetary base by buying govt debt from banks (Treasury bills). This leads to increase in money supply via the money multiplier as banks lend out new reserves.
Fed can reduce the monetary base by selling govt debt to banks (Treasury bills). This leads to a fall in money supply via money multiplier as banks reduce their loans in response to fall in their reserves.
financial intermediary that uses liquid assets in the form of bank deposits to finance the illiquid investments of borrowers
tool for analyzing a business’s financial position by showing, in a single table, assets on the left and liabilities on the right
Bank reserves
currency banks hold in their vaults + deposits at the Fed Reserve
Reserve ratio
fraction of bank deposits that a bank holds as reserves