Chapter 14 - Health and Safety Flashcards
Explain why employee wellness programs are becoming increasingly popular.
Employee wellness programs aim to improve employees’ health and reduce costs for sickness and disability claims, workers’ compensation, and absenteeism. Wellness initiatives include physical fitness programs, smoking cessation programs, relaxation classes, and heart health monitoring.
Analyze the responsibilities and rights of employees and employers under occupational health and safety legislation.
Employers and employees are held jointly responsible for maintaining the health and safety of workers, including participation on joint health and safety committees. Employers are responsible for “due diligence”—taking every reasonable precaution to ensure the health and safety of their workers. Supervisors are responsible for ensuring workplace policies are well communicated and adhered to by employees, and that employees’ concerns are dealt with in a safe and systematic manner. Employees are responsible for protecting their own health and safety and that of their co-workers. Employees have the right to know about workplace safety hazards, the right to participate in the occupational health and safety process, and the right to refuse unsafe work.
Explain WHMIS legislation
The Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) is a Canada-wide, legally mandated system designed to protect workers by providing crucial information about hazardous materials and substances in the workplace. WHMIS requires labelling of hazardous material containers, material safety data sheets, and employee training.
** Analyze in detail three basic causes of accidents.
There are three basic causes of accidents:
> chance occurrences > Wrong place at wrong time
> unsafe conditions: > Equipment, procedures, storage, illumination, ventilation
Job itself (some dangerous), work schedule (fatigue), psychological climate (stress)
> unsafe acts on the part of employees;
Carrying/lifting, operating unsafe speeds, avoiding safety devices/equipment, horseplay, quarrelling, etc.
In addition, three other work-related factors—the job itself, the work schedule, and the psychological climate—also contribute to accidents.
** Describe how accidents at work can be prevented
> One approach to preventing accidents is to reduce unsafe conditions by identifying and removing potential hazards.
> Another approach to improving safety is to reduce unsafe acts—for example, through selection and placement, education and training, positive reinforcement, top-management commitment, and monitoring work overload and stress.
Discuss five major employee health issues at work, and recommend how they should be handled.
> Substance abuse is an important and growing health problem among employees. Techniques to deal with this challenge include discipline, discharge, in-house counselling, and referrals to an outside agency.
> Stress, depression, burnout, and PTSD are other potential health problems at work. Job stress can be reduced by ensuring that employees take breaks each day, providing access to counselling, and giving employees more control over their jobs.
> Repetitive strain injuries occur as a result of repetitive movements, awkward postures, and forceful exertion. Ergonomics is very effective at reducing RSIs.
> Workplace toxins can be carcinogenic, and some governments are providing workers’ compensation benefits to workers with job-related cancer. Employees who smoke have reduced productivity and greater health costs. Governments across Canada have increasingly banned workplace smoking.
Explain how workplace violence can be prevented and controlled.
Violence against employees is a serious problem at work. Steps that can reduce workplace violence include improved security arrangements, better employee screening, and workplace violence training.
** What are OHS Responsibilities of Employers?
Due Diligence: employers must take every reasonable precaution to ensure the health and safety of their workers
Specific Duties: FEMP Filing government accident reports Maintaining records Posting safety notices and legislative information ensuring that safety rules are enforced
*** What are OHS Responsibilities and Rights of Employees?
take reasonable care to protect their own health and safety, and that of co-workers
includes wearing protective clothing and equipment, and reporting contravention of the law
Basic rights: KPAR REF
to know about workplace safety hazards
to participate in the OHS process
to refuse unsafe work
** What is The Supervisor’s Role in Safety?
Direct supervisors = critical link
Ensure workers comply with regulations
Advise/ instruct workers about safety
Safety-minded managers must aim to instill desire to work safely
** What is the role of Joint Health and Safety Committees?
Management and labour collaborate to ensure a safe and healthy workplace
In larger organizations usually between 2 & 12 members, at least half represent workers
** What is the role of Government inspectors?
Periodically carry out safety inspections of workplaces
Their power:
Can orders to stop work, stop using tools
Can order to install first aid equipment
Can order stop emission of contaminants
** What are some effects of shift work?
> Elevated risk of multiple types of cancer
Circadian disruption which is probably carcinogenic to humans
Elevated risks of gastrointestinal disorders, mental health problems (including depression) and preterm delivery during pregnancy are indicated among shift workers.
Higher risk of getting hurt on the job than regular day workers.
What is burnout? What are ways to avoid it?
Total depletion caused by excessive striving to reach unrealistic work-related goals
Avoiding burnout: break patterns get away periodically reassess goals reduce stress
What are ways that employees can reduce job stress?
Employee can:
Get more sleep, eat better, take vacation, biofeedback and meditation, find a more suitable job, get counselling, organize activities
How can employers reduce job stress?
Employer/supervisor can:
Identify symptoms of stress
Offer to refer to a program (EAP)
Permit employees to have more control
What are ways to deal with substance abuse in the workplace?
Look for signs of impairment
Make written record of observed behaviour
Refer to in-house counselling, outside agency
lost-time injury rate
Measures any occupational injury or illness resulting in an employee being unable to fulfill full work assignments, not including any fatalities.
occupational health and safety legislation
Laws intended to protect the health and safety of workers by minimizing work-related accidents and illnesses.
repetitive strain injuries (RSIs)
Activity-related soft-tissue injuries of the neck, shoulders, arms, wrists, hands, back, and legs.
due diligence
Employers’ responsibility regarding taking every reasonable precaution to ensure the health and safety of their workers.
principle of joint responsibility
An implicit and explicit expectation that both workers and employers must maintain a hazard-free work environment and enhance the health and safety in the workplace.
reasonable cause
A complaint about a workplace hazard has not been satisfactorily resolved, or a safety problem places employees in immediate danger.
An interdisciplinary approach that seeks to integrate and accommodate the physical needs of workers into the design of jobs. It aims to adapt the entire job system—the work, environment, machines, equipment, and processes—to match human characteristics.