Chapter 14: Collecting and realising assets Flashcards
Do causes of action vested in the deceased or against the deceased survive for the benefit or detriment of the estate?
If PRs recover damages on behalf of dependants for death by wrongful act, will damages form part of the estate?
Any damages recovered do not form part of the estate
Do PRs have the power to deal with assets passing outside of the will or intestacy?
When PRs are dealing with insitutions, can they provide photocopies of the grant as opposed to the official office copy of the grant?
No, photocopies are not acceptable evidence
Can PRs sell property specifically gifted in the will?
PRs should not sell any property specifically gifted in the will unless other assets have been exhausted
Can a beneficiary express a wish to receive a particular asset to satisfy a pecuniary legacy as their share of the residue?
If capital losses are made, can these be offset against capital gains made by PRs?
If an asset is vested in a beneficiary, at what value will it be acquired?
It will be acquired at the value on the date of death
When considering whether an estate is solvent, is it relevant whether legacies under the will can be satisfied in full?
No, a solvent estate is only concerned with whether funeral, testamentary, administrative expenses and debts can be paid in full
In a solvent estate, how should secured debts be dealt with?
A secured debt should be discharged from the property against which it is secured
Subject to any contrary intentions in the will
In a solvent estate, what order should unsecured debts be paid?
- Property undisposed of by the will
- Residue
In what order should debts be repaid if the will states that debts cannot be paid from the residue?
- Property specifically given for payment of debts
- Property specifically charged with the payment of the debts
- Pecuniary legacies (abate proportionately)
- Property specifically devised or bequeathed
What is the doctrine of marshalling?
- Applies when property is taken in the wrong order to pay off debt
- Disappointed beneficiary is entitled to compensation from the residue
What must happen if a will is “free of mortgage”?
The mortgage must be paid out of the residue to the extent of the residue
What is an insolvent estate?
An estate which has insufficient assets to pay expenses, debts and liabilities in full
What do beneficiaries receive in an insolvent estate?
In an insolvent estate, what order must unsecured creditors be paid in?
- Reasonable funeral and administration expenses
- Preferred debts (wages and salaries for employees in four months up to death - up to £800 each)
- Ordinary debts
- Interest on preferred and ordinary debts
- Deferred debts - loans from deceased’s spouse
In an insolvent estate, how will creditors from each category rank?
Equally and they abate proporionately
What will happen if a PR pays a category of debts knowing that there are higher ranking debts?
The PR will be personally liable if there are insufficient assets to pay the higher ranking debt
Will a PR be liable if they pay an inferior debt without notice of a debt in a higher category?
No, provided that they did not do so with undue haste
Will a PR be responsible if payment to a creditor in one class was made before full payment to the others and it later turns out that the estate is insolvent?
The PRs will be protected if acting in good faith and they had no reason to believe that the estate was insolvent