Chapter 10: Dealing with HMRC Flashcards
When must PRs file an inheritance account with HMRC?
Within 12 months of the deceased’s death unless the estate is small or excepted
For what reason, will PRs usually file an inheritance account promptly?
Interest starts accruing on taxes owed after 6 months and a grant of probate or letters of administration cannot be obtained until tax has been paid
What is a small estate?
An domicilliary which does not exceed the IHT nil rate band of £325,000
Do PRs need to file an inheritance account with HMRC for small estates?
No, small estates are excepted. No formal account need be made unless requested by HMRC
What is an exempt estate?
- The gross value of the estate does not exceed £3 million
- The spouse and/or charity exemption apply
- The remaining amount does not exceed the IHT NBR of £325,000
Do PRs need to file an inheritance account with HMRC for exempt estates?
No, exempt estates are excepted. No formal account need be made unless requested by HMRC
How can the inheritance tax threshold be increased?
By using some or all of a predeceased’s spouse’s unused nil rate band
Is the estate of a non UK domiciled deceased excepted?
Yes, if their estate consists solely of cash and/or quoted shares which do not total more than £150,000