Chapter 14- Child, Disabled, Elders Flashcards
Main difference between DCF and elder services
Competence of elders to refuse services
Aggravated AB on child - age
Under 14
Four types of Aggravated AB on child
- AB on child under 14- bodily injury
- care and custody permit BI or SBI
- care and custody permit another to commit AB BI or SBI
ROA for 4 types
AB-BI- felony
AB-SBI- felony
Permit BI- in presence
Permit SBI- felony
Permitting injury elements
- had care and custody and recklessly permitted the child to suffer bodily injury or SBI
- Care and custody - recklessly allow ANOTHER to commit BI or SBI
What is the biggest thing when trying to prove permitting
The person must have care and custody
Definitely of reckless conduct
Reckless intentional behavior or failure to act when required
Can spiritual treatment be a defense for permitting AB on a child
AB on elder age
60 and over
AB disabled age
Any age
6 types of AB on elder or disabled
- AB on elder or disabled
- AB causing BI or SBI
- caretaker wanton or reckless commit abuse, neglect or mistreatment
- caretaker reckless permit another to commit AB BI or SBI
- caretaker recklessly allow them to suffer BI or SBI
- caretaker recklessly permitted another to comity abuse, neglect, mistreatment
All forms of AB disabled and elder ROA
Four types of caretakers for elder or disabled
Family relation
Fiduciary by law
What is the basis for believes that someone is a care taker
Reasonable person believes that if that person did not tend to the person then it would cause adverse health of elder or disabled
After argument, walking away and knocking over elder mom
Good AB elder