Chapter 14 BSC Flashcards
Internal business Process - Strategic Objectives
Improve manufacturing quality
Increase proprietary products
Increase Information system capabilities
Improve on time delivery by supplier
Introduce New product
Minimize invoice error rates
Internal business Process- performance measures
% of defective products’
% of processes with real time feedback
% of on time deliveries by suppliers
% of error free invoices
Number of patents
Cycle time reduction
Inventory turnover
Lean initiatives
Cost per unit of raw material
Vendor relationship stength and cost savings from suppliers
Quality control (VL)
Reduced returns/warranty (VL)
Customer Strategic Objectives
Aquire new customers
Retain customers
Develop profitable customers
Customer performance measures
of new customers
customer profitability
% of customers retained
Market share in target segments
Customer service quality
Customer engagement metrics
Response time
Feedback from customers
Learning and Growth - Strategic Objectives
Enhance Employee skills
Learning and Growth performance measures
Employee turn over
Avg job-related training hours per employee
Employee productivity (output per hour worked)
Training effectiveness
Number of new tech implemented to reduce cost
Frequency of improvement initiatives
Financial - strategic Objective
Increase shareholder value
Increase profit generated by each sales person
Financial - performance measures
return on assets
number of patents
Net income
Return on sales
Return on equity
Product cost per unit
Customer cost per unit
Revenue growth rate (VL)
Gross profit margin
Market share in premium segments (VL)