Chapter 14 - Brain Flashcards
toward the nose/forehead
toward the “tail” / spinal cord
Neural tube
becomes your brain & SC
- stays in your body central axis
- helps cue up development of left and right sides of body
- extends from head to tail of the embryo
- eventually becomes the nucleus pulposa in the pads of tissue between the vertebrae
Major portions of brain
Cerebrum, Cerebellum, and Brainstem
Corpus callosum
thick myelinated nerve bundle at bottom of longitudinal fissure that connects hemispheres
Falx cerebri
separates R & L cerebral hemispheres
Tentorium cerebelli
seperates cerebrum from cerebellum
Falx cerebelli
separates R & L halves of cerebellum
Gray Matter
- not shiny, dull, corresponds to unmyelinated parts of neurons, mainly cell bodies of neurons where synapses occur between axon terminals of one neuron with the dendrites and somas of other neurons
White matter
-myelinated axons
- coordinates with myelinated axons, shiny, glossy
- tracts, bundles of axons traveling together
- protect the brain
-sandwiched between the brain and skull - provide structural framework for the CNS arteries and veins
Flow of CSF
S: secretes choroid plexus into lateral ventricles
F: flows through inter ventricular foramina into third ventricle
A: Choroid plexus adds more CSF into third ventricle
D: Flows down cerebral aqueduct to fourth ventricle
A: Choroid plexus adds more CSF in fourth ventricle
T: Flows out two lateral apertures and one median aperture
B: fills subarachnoid space and bathes external surfaces of brain and spinal cord
R: reabsorbes into venous blood of dural venous sinuses
Clear, colorless liquid that fills
– the ventricles & canals of CNS
– subarachnoid space (meninges, external surface of brain)
* Brain produces and absorbs 500 mL/day.
– 100 to 160 mL normally present at one time
Functions of CSF
Buoyancy, Protection, Chemical stability
- Brains weigh approx 1.5 kg (3 lb).
- If it rested on floor of cranium, the pressure would kill the nervous tissue.
- Protects the brain from striking the cranium when the head is jolted.
- Shaken child syndrome and concussions do occur from severe jolting.