Chapter 14 Flashcards
What is S. gallolyticus associated with?
Human endocarditis & colon carcinoma.
Human endocarditis & colon carcinoma
S. gallolyticus
GDS are:
Nonhemolytic; PYR (-); grow in presence of bile; esculin (+); don’t grow at 6.5% NaCl; non present in human gut.
Bacteria of GDS
S. bovis, S. gallolyticus, S. infentarius
S. agalactia pathologies
Neonatal sepsis, bacteremia, meningitis, UTIs, meningitis in adults
Which bacteria as a butterscotch/caramel odor?
S. anginosus
S. anginosus
Present in throat, colon and urogenital tract; cause brain, liver and lung abscesses
S. canis:
skin infections in dogs; uncommon infections in humans.
Which streptococci are nutritionally variant?
Abiotrophia defectiva, Granulicatella elegans, & Granulicatella adiacens (isolated from cases of endocarditis)
Which bacteria need cysteine & pyridoxal for growth?
Abiotrophia & Granulicatella
What do NVSs cause?
Part of normal flora, rarely endocarditis, bacteremia, brain abscesses. Similar to viridans.
S. pneumonia- typical morphology:
Gram (+), lancet-shaped, diplococci; lose gram positivity with age
Culture appearance of S. pneumonia
Dome-shaped, with central depression, glistening (due to polysaccharide capsule); alpha-hemolytic
S. pneumonia growth characteristic
Fermentation of glucose to lactic acid; lactic acid limits the growth
Quellung reaction
Pneumococci are mixed with polyvalent anti-serum to determine the presence of pneumococci; very expensive and hard to perform.