Chapter 14 Flashcards
When learning math and science, what must we do with abstract ideas in our mind?
Bring the abstract ideas to life in our minds.
When we create a stage play with the elements and mechanisms of what we are learning, what must we imagine them as?
It may seem silly to stage a play in your mind’s eye and imagine the elements and mechanisms you are studying as living creatures, with their own feelings and thoughts. But it is a method that works—it brings them to life and helps you see and understand phenomena that you couldn’t intuit when looking at dry numbers and formulas.
What is the Feynman technique?
Feynman technique, which asks people to find a simple metaphor or analogy to help them grasp the essence of an idea.
simple explanations are possible for almost any concept, no matter how complex.
When you teach a concept to someone else, what happens?
You understand it better.
What is transfer?
Transfer is the ability to take what you learn in one context and apply it to something else.
What happens when people interrupt their work to have a look to Facebook or other distractions?
Students who interrupt their work constantly not only don’t learn as deeply, but also aren’t able to transfer what little they do learn as easily to other topics.