Chapter 14 Flashcards
Many mechanical causes of back pain resolve in
1-4 weeks
SI pain can mimic low back pain and discover if disease effecting pain
Below the knee to the foot
SI dysfunction is the primary cause of low back pain in
30% of cases with low back pain
RA effects the ____ early but may go unrecognized at first
C spine
Although the ____ of back pain caused by NSAIDS is low, the ________ in PT clinics is high
Incidence, prevalence
What is the most important part of the history in relation to back pain
History of cancer - long ago
_____ to ____ of increasing back ache often may be a signal of ______ especially with a history of _____
6 weeks to 6 months, lumbar metastasis, cancer
Long term use of _______ can lead to vertebral compression fractures
_________ (antibiotic) can cause neck, chest or back pain
Age risk factors for viscerogic or systemic causes of back pain
Under 20 or over 50
Most cases of back pain in the adult is due to
Age related degenerative process, physical loading and musculoligamentous injury
Typically systemic back pain is ___ relieved by recumbency
Bone pain of metastasis or myeloma tends to be more ______ when the client is in this position
Continuous, progressive and prominent when the client is recumbent
Unable to lie still with pain indicates
Systemic origin
Visceral diseases often have a systemic backache that causes the client to go into these positions
Curl up, sleep in a chair or pace the floor at night
Review of systems questions
Fevers, excessive weight gain or loss and appetite loss should be followed up with additional questions
Red flag age:
Less than 20 or over 50
Red flag previous history of…
Red flag signs of infection:
Constitutional symptoms
Red flag recent ____
Urinary tract infection
Red flag history of _____ drug use
Red flag _______ condition
Immune compromised
Red flag failure to improve with
Conservative care in 4-6 weeks
Red flag pain is not relieved by
Rest or recumbency
Red flag pain at this time of day
Red flag neurological symptom
Saddle parasthesia
Red flag back pain Accompanied by
Abdominal, pelvic or hip pain
Red flag trauma or
History of falls
Red flag significant ____ stiffness with limitation in ___ spinal movements can indicate ____
Morning, all, ankylosing spondylitis
Red flag skin _____
Primary headaches include
Migraine, tension headache, cluster headache.
Secondary headache is
Cervicogenic headache
Cervicogenic headache is defined as
Referred pain in any part of the head caused by musculoskeletal tissues innervated by cervical nerves c1-c4
Cervical genie headaches are frequently associated with
Chronic tension or acute whiplash, intervertebral disc disease, or progressive facet joint arthritis
Sudden severe headache is a classic symptom of
Temporal vasculitis
Important measure to take when assessing vascular induced headache
Headaches due to cancer are worse in the
Upon awakening due to differences in CNS drainage in the supine or prone position, and goes away after they stand up
Headache due to cancer is intensified when
There is an activity that increases intracranial pressure
Migraines may present with _____ mimicking a stroke
Paralysis or weakness on one side
Physical therapy is most effective for migraines when combined with
Thermal biofeedback and relaxation training
Radicular symptoms accompanied by weakness, coordination impairment, gait disturbance, bowel or bladder retention or Incontinence and sexual dysfunction can occur where
Cervical myelopathy occurs
Torticollis of the sternocliedomastoid may be a sign of underlying
Thyroid involvement
___ neck pain that is worse with _____ and ______ may be present with thyroiditis
Anterior, swelling and turning the head
Anterior disc bulge into the esophagus or pharynx or an osteophyte of the vertebrae may give sensations of ____ and should be followed up with screening what cranial nerves
Difficulty swelling, lump in throat, V-VIII
A sign that a patient has Vertebral artery syndrome caused by structural changes in the cervical spine is characterized by
The client turning the whole body rather than just the neck
VBI occurs when
There is decreased vertebral height, osteophyte formation, postural changes and ligamentous changes reduce the foraminal space and encroach on the vertebral artery
Systemic origins of musculoskeletal pain in the thoracic spine is usually accompanied by
Constitutional symptoms
What are the three most likely cardiac causes of thoracic pain
Thoracic aortic aneurysm, angina and acute MI
Peptic ulcer can refer pain to the mid thoracic spine between
T6 and T10