Chapter 13: THE PRESIDENT Flashcards
formal qualifications and historical characteristics of the president
-formal- Natural born citizen At least 35 Resident of U.S 14 years prior to election -historical- Political/military experience Married White male Protestant Northern European ancestry
What is a term? And what is tenure?
Term-fixed/limited period for which something lasts or is intended to last
Tenure-the holding of an office
What did the founding fathers create?
Single executive elected indirectly through an electoral college
How long do presidents serve? And what is the 22nd amendment?
Serve 2 four year terms
No limit to the # of terms a president could serve (now it’s two)
Limits presidential terms to 2
What is the max # of years and max # of terms a president can serve?
What does the constitution not state when dealing with succession and disability? And when did the tradition begin?
That the VP becomes PRES
The death of W.H Harrison
What is the 25th amendment and when was it passed?
-After the assassination of jfk
~States that VP must take over presidential duties and NOMINATE a new VP to take office upon confirmation by a majority vote of both houses of congress
~if the president is unable to perform the duties of his office , the VP may become the “acting president”——PRESIDENTIAL DISABILITY – they get removed
25th amendment was used for the first time when Gerald ford replaced spiro agnewas Nixons VP in 1973
Ford then went on to be the only president to not be elected to the office
Another way the VP assumes presidency duties?
Also what can the president do? And then the congress to override that and how long?
- President informs congress of inability to perform duties
- VP and a majority of the Cabinet inform congress(written) that the president can’t perform his duties
- PRES may reassume duties upon informing congress that the disability no longer exists
- if VP and majority of the cabinet disagree , Congress has 21 days to decide by a 2/3rd vote in both houses
What is the order of presidential succession?
~is the order they were created starting with the Secretary of State
*currently 18 ppl in line for the presidency
What is impeachment? And what is removal ?
Constitution allows removal of PRES from office through impeachment process
Impeachment involves bringing charges of wrongdoing against a government official
The constitution gives which house of Congress the ability to impeach who?
Constitution gives the HOE the authority to impeach the president/VP for “Treason, Bribery, or Other High Crimes & Misdemeanors”
Which house of congress sits in judgment of the charges? And who presides over the trial? And how many votes does the conviction required for which house of congress?
The senate sits in judgment of the charges
And the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court presides over the trial and conviction requires a 2/3 vote of the Senate
Constitutionally what are the VP’s duties?
Preside over the SENATE, casting tie-braking votes if necessary
Help determine presidential disability under the 25th amendment and take over the presidency if necessary
Do VP have the same formal qualifications as the PRES?
How is the choice of nominee for VP influenced? And what is the idea behind it
It’s influenced by the party’s desire to balance the ticket
The idea is to improve a presidential candidates choice of winning the election by choosing someone that is different enough to broaden appeal
Do VP Have a larger role in gov now or in the past?
?????????)¿??????????????????What are the presidential powers?
(Article 2)
Power of the president
The powers of the modern presidency have been shaped by the men that have held the position and used these powers
Who is the executive branch comprised of and what are the executive powers?
Executive branch - PRES, VP, CABINET MEMBERS
Enforce laws, treaties and court decisions
Issue executive orders to carry out policies
Appoints officials, removes officials
Assumes emergency power
Presides over the cabinet and executive branch
Legislative powers of the president
Gives annual State of the Union message(constitutionally required) where the legislative agenda for the year is given
Issues annual budget and economic reports
Signs or vetoes bills
Proposes legislation and uses influence to get it passed
Calls special sessions of congress
Diplomatic powers of president
Appoints ambassadors & other diplomats
Negotiates treaties and executive agreements
Meets with foreign leaders in international conferences
Accords diplomatic recognition to foreign governments
Receives foreign dignitaries (foreign high rank officer)
Military powers of president
Serves as commander-in-chief of armed forces
Final decision making authority in national & foreign defense matters
Provides for domestic order
War powers resolution (1973)-must inform congress within 48 hours and can commit troops for 60 days , plus 30 day withdrawal
Internet definition
Federal law intended to check the presidential
What are the presidents judicial powers?
Appoints members of the federal judiciary Grants reprieves(cancel or postpone punishment) Pardons(forgive as if it didn't happen) Amnesty(group pardon) * expunged like it never happened
What are the presidents party powers?
Recognized leader of the party
Chooses VP nominee
Strengthens party by helping members get elected
Appoints party members to gov positions (patronage)
Influences party policy/platform