Chapter 13 Quiz Flashcards
A large, complex organization composed of appointed officials. The department and agencies of the U.S. government make it up.
A legislation grant of money to finance a government program
Buddy System
The actual recruitment of civil servants, especially in middle and upper level jobs is somewhat more complicated and slightly more political than the laws and rules might suggest
Competitive Service
The government offices to which people are appointed on the grounds of merit as ascertained by a written examination or by having met certain selection criteria (Such as training, educational attainments, or prior experience)
Discretionary Authority
The extent to which appointed bureaucrats can choose courses of action and make policies that are not spelled out in advance by laws
Freedom of Information Act
A law that states that citizens have the rights to inspect all government records except those containing military, intelligence or trade secrets or revealing private personnel actions
Iron Triangle
A close relationship between an agency, a congressional committee, and an interest group that often becomes a mutually advantageous alliance
Issue Network
A network of people in washington- based interest groups, on congressional stages, in universities and think tanks, and in the mass media who regularly discuss and advocate public polices
Say health care or auto safety. such networks are split along political, ideological, and economic lines
Open Meeting Law
A law that states that every part of every agency meeting must be open to the public unless certain matters (for example, military or trade secrets) aer being discussed
The power of congress to watch over or supervise the bureaucracy and makes sure things are carried out properly
Appointments made on the basis of loyalts versus of political considerations versus necessarily merit- a reward for political loyalty
Red Tape
Complex bureaucracy rules and procedures that must be followed to get something done
Spolis System
Another phrase for political patronage. That is the practice of giving the fruits of a parties victory, such as jobs and contracts, to the loyal members of the party
Trust Fund
funds for government programs that are collected and spent outside the regular government budget: the amounts are determined by preexisting law rather than by annual appropriations. The social security trust fund is the largest of these
Whistleblower Protection Act
A law that created an organization, the office of special counsel, to investigate complaints from bureaucrats that were punished after reporting to congress about waste, fraud, or abuse in their agencies