Chapter 13 - Processing Integrity and Availability Controls Flashcards
What are the five principles of the Trust Services Framework?
Security, confidentiality, privacy, processing integrity, and availability.
What is a field check?
An edit check that tests whether the characters are of the correct field type (e.g. numeric data in numeric fields)
What is a sign check?
An edit check that verifies that the data in a field have the appropriate arithmetic sign.
What is a limit check?
An edit check that tests a numerical amount against a fixed value.
What is a range check?
An edit check that tests whether a data item falls within predetermined upper and lower limits.
What is a size check?
An edit check that ensures the input data will fit into the assigned field.
What is a completeness check?
An edit check that verifies that all data required have been entered.
What is a validity check?
An edit test that compares the ID code or account number in transaction data with similar data in the master file to verify that the account exists.
What is a reasonableness test?
An edit check of the logical correctness of relationships among data items.
What is a check digit?
A number that is calculated based on the entered numbers in the ID code, and can be used to test for data entry errors by recalculating the digit.
What is check digit verification?
Recalculating a check digit to verify that a data entry error has not been made.
What is a sequence check?
An edit check that determines if a transaction file is in the proper numerical or alphabetical sequence.
What are batch totals?
The sum of a numerical item for a batch of documents, calculated prior to processing the batch when the data are entered, and subsequently compared with computer-generated totals after each processing step to verify that the data was processed correctly.
What is a financial total?
A type of batch total that equals the sum of a field that contains monetary values.
What is a hash total?
A type of batch total generated by summing values for a field that would not usually be totaled (e.g. invoice numbers)
What is a record count?
A type of batch total that equals the number of records processed at a given time.