Chapter #13: Peripheral Nervous System Flashcards
Function of PNS
-The PNS links the CNS to the outside world
-Nerves extend from every area of the body: provide the brain with sensory input & allows for motor output to reach effector organs
General Structures of the PNS
-any nervous system tissue that is not the brain or spinal cord, including
1) Sensory receptors
2) Afferent fibers: carry sensory info (sends in)
3) Efferent fibers: carry motor info (sends out)
Two subdivisions of the PNS
- Afferent division
- Efferent division
Afferent division
-carry impulses from the body to the central nervous system
-concerned with sensory input
-Function: impulses allow CNS to interpret information & send out a response
Efferent division
-carry impulses from CNS to the effector organs
-concerned with motor output
-Function: impulses activate muscle or glands to carry out response
-Somatic division: skeletal muscle tissue is the effector
-Autonomic division: cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, & glands are effectors
Sensory receptors
Function: specialized structures that respond to changes in the environment (internal or external) called stimuli
How can sensory receptors be classified?
1) Stimulus type: what change in the environment activates the receptor
2) Location: either location in the body or the location of the source of the stimulus (inside or outside the body)
3) Receptor structure: nonencapsulated vs. encapsulated
Classification by Stimulus Type
1) Mechanoreceptors: respond to mechanical force (body-wide)
2) Thermoreceptors: respond to temperature changes (body-wide)
3) Photoreceptors: respond to light (localized; only found in eyes)
4) Chemoreceptors: respond to chemicals in solution (sense of smell, taste, blood pH, changing nutrient levels)
5) Nociceptors: respond to damaging stimuli (harm receptor; extreme pressure, temperature, pain)
Classification by Stimulus Location
1) Exteroceptor: mostly found at or near the body surface (close to surface of skin)
-Receptor is sensitive to stimuli that arise outside the body (ex. photoreceptors, mechanoreceptors)
2) Interoceptor: found deeper in the body
-Receptor responds to stimuli that arise deep in the body (ex. chemoreceptors, mechanoreceptors)
3) Proprioceptors: found in skeletal muscle, tendon, joints, ligaments (highly localized)
-Receptor responds to changes in body movement/position (mechanoreceptors)
Classification by Receptor Structure
-Receptors of the general senses
-Composed mostly of nerve endings: modified dendritic endings of sensory neurons; respond to change
-Two types of nerve endings:
1) Non-encapsulated (free) nerve ending
2) Encapsulated nerve ending
Non-encapsulated (free) Nerve Endings
-Dendritic ends of sensory receptors have no capsule or covering
-Mostly abundant in epithelia and connective tissue
-Function: respond mostly to pain (nociceptors) and temperature (thermoreceptors)
Other sensations allowed by free nerve endings
1) Itch (chemoreceptor): histamine release activates free nerve endings
2) Light pressure (mechanoreceptor): Merkel cells in the integument
3) Light touch specifically for hair (mechanoreceptor): free nerve endings wrap around hair follicle, respond to change in position of the hair & hair follicle
Encapsulated nerve endings
-Dendritic endings are enclosed in a capsule
-Most mechanoreceptors are encapsulated
1) Tactile corpuscles: found in dermal papillae of hairless skin
-Function: important for light touch sensation
2) Lamellar corpuscles: located deep in dermis
-Function: stimulated by onset of deep pressure
3) Bulbous corpuscles: located in dermis, subcutaneous tissue, and joint capsules
-Function: respond to deep, continuous pressure
4) Muscle spindles: proprioceptors found in tissue wrapped around skeletal muscle
-Function: detect muscle stretch & initiates reflexes to resist excessive stretching forces
5) Tendon organs: proprioceptors of tendons
-Function: initiates reflex that relaxes skeletal muscle to prevent damage to tendon
6) Joint kinesthetic receptor: proprioceptor monitoring stretch in joints
-Function: provide information about joint position and motion (prevent dislocation)
Sensation vs. Perception
-Sensation: awareness of a change in external/internal environment
-Perception: how we interpret the stimuli (do we like the change?)
Somatosensory system
-sensory system that specifically serves body wall and limbs
-Receives input from exteroceptors, proprioceptors, and interoceptors
-Three levels of integration operate to allow perception to occur:
1) Receptor level
2) Circuit level
3) Perceptual level
Processing at the Receptor Level
-sensation will only occur if a stimulus activates a receptor and if the action potentials reach the CNS.
-For this to happen:
1) Stimulus energy must match receptor specificity
-ex. mechanoreceptor will not respond to light
2) Stimulus must be applied within receptor’s receptive field
-dendrites only extend out so far; smaller receptor field is easier for your brain to figure out where it came from
3) The stimulus energy must be converted to a graded potential
4) Graded potentials must reach threshold for sensory receptor to generate an action potential
Processing at the Circuit Level
-delivering impulses to appropriate region of the cerebral cortex
Processing at the Perceptual Level
-sensory input is interpreted at the cerebral cortex
-Identifying and appreciating sensation does not depend on the message: it depends on the target neurons of the cerebral cortex (this is why some people have different perceptions of pain)
Perception of Pain
-No one likes to feel pain, but it is important
-pain is a warning to prevent you from damaging yourself more than you already have
-you can’t measure pain
-individuals interpret pain differently; different levels of pain tolerance
-What triggers pain?
-Excessive temperature & excessive pressure, chemicals released by damaged cells of injured tissue, histamine, K+, ATP, acids, bradykinin, etc.
Two types of pain
1) Sharp pain: usually occurs at onset of injury (shorter pain)
-Impulses carried by small, myelinated fibers
2) Burning pain: occurs after sharp pain (longer pain)
-Impulses carried by small, nonmyelinated fibers
Suppression of pain perception
-This occurs most often during times of stress: coping/escape mechanism (if you do not suppress the pain there will be a worse consequence)
-Endorphins and enkephalins suppress feeling of pain (ex. high stress-survival situations like car accidents, sprained ankles in times where you need to run)
-shut off the brain from responding to painful messages when the pain is too much
Pain arising from inside the body
1) Visceral Pain: noxious stimulation of receptors of the thorax and abdominal cavity
-Stimuli that result in visceral pain: extreme stretching of tissue, ischemia, muscle spasms/cramps, irritating chemicals (ex. over stretched stomach from eating too much)
2) Referred pain: pain stimuli arising from one part of the body are perceived as coming from another part
-Why does this occur? Visceral pain afferents travel along similar route as some somatic pain fibers (ex. heart attacks: first symptom is pain from the left arm)
-The brain is “confused” by the signal: cannot determine exact location of source
-cordlike organ that is part of the peripheral nervous system consisting of parallel bundles of peripheral axons enclosed by connective tissue wrappings (reaches parts of the body in shorter distances
-Classification of nerves:
-Type of information the nerve carries: sensory or motor (some send both)
-Direction in which the information is carried:
-Afferent nerves: carry information toward CNS
-Efferent nerves: carry information away from CNS
-Mixed nerves: carry information to and from the CNS
Structure of a nerve
-Nerves are bundles of axons enclosed by connective tissue wrappings
-A single axon is surrounded by endoneurium
-Groups of axons are bundled together by perineurium
-Bundles are called fascicles
-Fascicles are bundled together by epineurium
-Bundles of fascicles form the actual nerve
-Also has blood vessels and lymphatic vessels (keeps all fascicles healthy; immune defenses)