Chapter 13: Media Multiplexity Theory Flashcards
Who is the author of Media Multiplexity theory?
caroline haythornwaite
What does network analysis mean in this theory?
relationships can be mapped like cities and the roads linking them together
What tool might an organization use to find out where communication weak ties are?
social network analysis
Weak tie:
a relationship involving a small investment of time and emotional energy
- acquittances
How can a weak tie be strong?
they may become bridging ties connecting us to new information, contacts, and opportunities
Strong tie:
a relationship involving a large investment of time and emotional energy
- close friends, family
How can a strong tie be weak?
they have redundant information // people only have what they can offer - i.e., you receive the same kind of advice time and time again
Tie strength:
the degree of connection between people, determined by amount of time spent together, emotional intensity and intimacy, and willingness to exchange resources
Media Multiplexity:
strongly tied pairs use more media to sustain their relationships than do weakly tied pairs
Why do weak ties not need multiple media to sustain them?
they are uncomplicated
Why do strong ties need multiple media?
to orchestrate their varied and interdependent connection
What is the basic claim of MM theory?
tie strength drives the use of multiple media
What dictates communication content?
tie strength (not medium)
Do talk topics change according to which media you use?
What is the caveat to: “people do not change talk topics based on media used”
some people might limit certain topics to certain channels
- “I only want to discuss that in person”
What does the hierarchy of media use depend on?
group norms
Hierarchy of media use expectations:
group norms guide which media are used with all ties, versus what media is reserved for strong ties
What ties are influenced by adding or subtracting media access?
weak ties
// adding media to a weak tie may strengthen it // subtracting media from a weak tie may weaken it more
Latent ties:
the links are dormant but have the ability to be activated
What other variables affect media multiplexity?
medium enjoyment and communication competence
medium enjoyment:
do you enjoy using the medium?
communication competence
are you able to use appropriate communication patterns and adapt to different contexts? (social skills)
Ex: using texting slang
What type of theory is Media Mutiplexity?
Which tradition(s) are represented in Media Multiplexity theory?
socio-psychological and cybernetic
Media Multiplexity theory claims that if you and I have a strong tie but we start subtracting the number of media we have in common, it will probably weaken our relationship.
Mansour began playing soccer with friends in college. Post-graduation, they played in a league on Saturday mornings. They used a group text to schedule practices for two nights a week, after which they go out for food and fun. Over the years, they have become Facebook friends, texting buddies, and have begun to include their families in holiday potlucks, birthday celebrations, and other events. This social network would be called
a strong tie
Media Multiplexity theory suggests that weak ties can be very valuable when they act as
bridging ties
According to Media Multiplexity theory, the _____ of media employed by two people in a relationship seems to drive _____.
number, tie strength
Media Multiplexity theory: This is a very _____ theory.
Tie strength is defined as the degree of connection between people, determined by the amount of time spent together, emotional intensity and intimacy and willingness to exchange resources.
Media Multiplexity theory comes out of a ____ tradition, which wants to investigate _____.
cybernetic, the structure of a network to determine how information flow is shaped
Relationship Maintenance: This unit introduction follows through on using the “maintenance” metaphor by stating that ____ theory is more complex than balancing tires. The theory claims that relationship maintenance consists of intricate dialogue about “me, you, and we,” which can be a confusing and frustrating struggle. To what theory were the authors referring?
Communication Privacy Management
Relationship Maintenance: One reason Media Multiplexity is said to be a complex balancing act is because
the theory looks at how people juggle multiple communication channels for relationships