Chapter 13 (Labour relations) Flashcards
Demand for labour is affected by…
Productivity/skill of the workers
Cost of labour
Mechanization and substitution of labour
Economic conditions
Def Supply of labour
The number of people willing to supply their labour and efforts at particular wages.
Supply is affected by…
Wages offered
Size and growth of the population
Labour Force Participation Rate
economically active people (divided by) population
Labour relations act purpose?
Governs the relationships between the employees and employers
Ensures that employees perform their duties to the bets of their ability
Promotes the effective resolution of labour disputes
Provides basic rights for employees and employers
Set rules for the fair treatment of employees.
Set rules so that employees perform their duties to the best of their abilities
Occurs when a person reaches the age of 18.
Includes people that can be employed if aged 15 but protected by certain rights.
Allows for certain rights in the workplace such as to establish workplace forums, enter into agreements and be employed in appropriate positions.
The LRA gives the rules for how employers and employees should solve workplace problems through a consultation process, conducted by workplace forums, bargaining councils and trade unions
Compensation for Occupational Injuries & Diseases Act
Applies to all employers, and
all casual and full time employees who suffer injury as a result of workplace accidents or work-related diseases
Gives legal requirements about how workers must be compensated if they suffer from any form of injury or illness as a result of a work related incident.
Trade Unions
An organization of workers (in a trade/profession) working together to protect and advance the interests of its members in the workplace
Workplace Forums
Provides an opportunity for employees in a workplace to be involved in managerial decisions that may affect them.
To promote the interest of all employees in a workplace
To enhance efficiency in a workplace
To allow involvement in joint decision-making about issues
To promote consultation
Bargaining council
A bargaining council is formed and established by one or more employer organisation and one or more trade union (in a particular industry).
Deal with disputes e.g:
Unfair labour practice
Unfair dismissals
Unfair discrimination
An independent organisation established to help solve disputes that cannot be settled within a business or organisation.
Consists of representatives (commissioners) from labour & business organisations and the government.
The CCMA is based on consensus-building and fact building.
If parties cannot agree -> can go to CCMA for arbitration
Bringing parties together and getting them to agree on a course of action
Negotiation to resolve differences, conducted by an impartial party
Hearing and determination of a dispute by an impartial referee
The Labour Court
Same status as the High Court
Adjudicate matters relating to labour disputes
Eg. Unfair dismissals
Most important powers:
Grant interdicts
An interdict is the court order that has the power to enforce a party’s rights that have been disregarded by another party. Holds a large amount of power as it requires the respondent to do something or it refrains them from doing something.
Award compensation
Make arbitration awards
Order parties to comply with LRA
CCMA meaning
Commission for
Function of the CCMA
Try to resolve disputes through conciliation or arbitration
Help forms workplace forums