Chapter 13 How populations evolve Flashcards
What is the name of Charles Darwins famouns book about Evolution?
The origin of species by Natural selection
What countries did Darwin visit during his voyage on the Beagle?
What is an adaptation?
An inhroted characteristics that enhances chances of an organism to survive and reproduce in a give environment
What is evolution?
- Descent with modification. The idea that living organisms desend from ancestral species diffent to present day ones.
- Genetic changes in a population from generation to generation
What are the 2 main points proposed by Charles Darwin in his theory of evolution?
- Livning organisms are decendents of ancestral species that had different chanracteristics than the present day species
- Natural selection is the means for evolutionary change
What is a fossil?
In imprints or remains of an organism that lived in the past
How do fossils form?
- Non organic components of the organisms such as bone and teeth that are rich in minerals may remain for a very long time without decaying
- Casts of of dead animals left on sediment later gets filled by minerals hardens over time and forms an imprint of the dead animals
- Foot prints, Burrows and fossilized feces of orgnisms that are encased by minerals are preserved
- Whole organism encased in material that prevents it from decaying
- Insect fossils trapped in tree Sap
- Mammoth or ancient humanoid fossils in ice
Where are fossils mainly found?
Fine grained sedimentary rocks that were formed when sand or mud settled at the bottom of the lakes or seas or swaps.
What are strata?
Layers of sedimentary rocks formed when layers of sand or mud settled over one another over a long period of time and were compressed and hardened.
Characteristics of strata helps scientists infer the conditions that occurd during varios periods of earth over its life span.
Who are Palentologists?
Scientists who study fossils.
What types of animals would you frequentily see fossilized?
- Animals who had hard parts such as bones, shells teeth
- Animals who lived close to areas that had sedimentary rocks
What does descent with modification mean?