Chapter 1.3 Discovering Cells Flashcards
What is the definition of a cell?
Cells are the basic units of function and structure and living things.
What did Robert Hooke contribute to the discovery of cells?
Robert Hooke made his own compound microscope. He used microscope to look at a piece of cork from a Cork Oak tree. He saw that there were empty spaces within the cork, which looked like tiny rectangular rooms. He called the spaces “cells,” meaning “small rooms.”
What did Anton vanLeeuwenhoek contribute to the discovery of cells?
Anton vanLeeuwenhoek looked at lake water, scrapings from teeth and gums, and water from rain gutters. In many of the materials he looked at, he saw a variety of tiny organisms, which were moving. He called the organisms “animalcules,” meaning “little animals.”
What does unicellular mean.
Unicellular means that something is composed of only 1 cell.
What does multi-cellular mean?
Multi-cellular means that something is composed of 2 or more cells.
What is a tissue?
A tissue is a group of similar cells that work together to perform a specific function.
What is an organ?
An organ is made of different kinds of tissues that work together.
What is an organ system?
An organ system is a group of organs to perform a major function.
What conclusion did Schleiden come to?
Schleiden concluded that all plants are made of cells.
What conclusion did Schwann come to?
Schwann concluded that all animals are made of cells.
What did Virchow conclude?
Virchow concluded that all cells come from cells that already exist.
What does the Cell Theory state?
- all living things are made of cells
- cells are the basic units of structure and function in living things
- all cells are produced from other cells