Chapter 13 Civil Rights and Employment Discrimination Flashcards
adverse employment action
Action by an employer that materially affects the terms and conditions of employment, such as employee compensation or job responsibilities.
association claim
A claim under the Americans with Disabilities Act that an employer discriminated against an employee because of his or her “association” with someone (such as a relative) with a disability.
back pay
A damage remedy in an employment discrimination case to compensate the plaintiff for lost salary and benefits.
BFOQ defense
An affirmative defense wherein an employer may lawfully hire an individual on the basis of religion, sex, or national origin if religion, sex, or national origin is a bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ).
bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ)
A requirement that an employer places on certain jobs that actually requires that the person in that job has a certain gender, religion, or national origin.
charging period
A specific period of time in which an employee challenging an employment practice must file a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).
disparate impact
The systematic exclusion of women, ethnic groups, or others in a protected class from employment through testing and other selection procedures.
disparate treatment
Intentional discrimination against a person by employer by denying the person employment or a benefit or privilege of employment because of race, religion, sex, national origin, age, or disability.
family responsibility discrimination (FRD)
Employment discrimination based on stereotypes of parental roles and responsibilities. Also referred to as maternal wall discrimination.
fetal-protection policies
A company policy that bars a woman from certain jobs unless her inability to bear children is medically documented.
front pay
A damage remedy in an employment discrimination case that is generally equal to the compensation the employee would have received had he or she not been unlawfully discharged.
hostile environment harassment
The creation of a hostile working environment, such as continually subjecting an employee to ridicule and racial slurs, or unwanted sexual advances.
major life activity
Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, an activity that an average person can perform with little or no difficulty, such as walking, seeing, hearing, and speaking.
quid pro quo harassment
The specific, job-related adverse action, such as denial of a promotion, in retaliation for a worker’s refusal to respond to a supervisor’s sexual advances.
reasonable accommodation (disability)
A requirement that an employer takes steps necessary to reasonably accommodate an employee’s disability or religious practices.
reasonable factor other than age (RFOA) defense
In an age discrimination case, an employer’s affirmative defense that its actions were based on reasonable factors other than age. Contrast with business necessity.
sexual stereotyping
Discrimination against employees because they are not “manly” enough men or “womanly” enough women. Illegal under Title VII of Civil Rights Act.
undue hardship
An affirmative defense under the Americans with Disabilities Act that relieves an employer of the obligation to make reasonable accommodations for an employee’s disability because doing so would constitute an undue hardship for the employer.