Chapter 13 Flashcards
A territory between Germany and France that had been fought for. The French gained access to the land and had claimed it. Afterwards, the conditions for Germany were considerably oppressive.
This was the name that was given to the U.S’s troops. When they had come into the war no one was truly worried since the US did not have much experience in warfare however when America had entered it showed that it was one of the most deadliest armies and was given a nickname by the Germans to symbolise how frightening the US troops were.
Hindenburg Line
This was the line that Germans had “placed” in order to maintain the situations of the battle ground. The western front was located mainly in France and because the war had been prolonged the Germans were being pushed back so in order to make sure the western front wasn’t going to fall on German soil, new trenches were built to avoid a collision with the war and German soil. By doing this, the amount of troops were spread thin and the amount of land that had to be defended was miniscule.
Tried to get change by bombings and assassinations.
A German leader who the people of Germany began to question. It sent Germany into further turmoil and because of this the leader had pushed more German people into war. By pushing Germans to go to war, the people questioned why are we still fighting? We are clearly going to loose. Because of this mentality more people began to revolt. It was highly predictable the germany would lose since the war was being lost, and all at the same time an internal revolution had commenced since the people disagreed with the government of Germany,
an extreme thought of country pride. It would unite the peoples of certain countries who had nationalistic ideals together.
No Mans Land
A section of earth located on any battlefield that is considered to be fatally dangerous. Stepping in this zone will result in an immediate termination since the enemy would be able to detect said person within an instant.
Self Determination
after the war, the map of Europe and a little but of the east had been redrawn by the British. This would not help anyone other than the British since this would clash three different ethnic groups into one area. These clashing ethnic groups would rage in war and because there would be so much battle and internal conflict, the British would then be free to invade their country and acquire what it was that they sought without being caught by the enemy. A later issue had commenced and because of the redrawn map, these people will not stop fighting.
A major group in Europe that were nationalized by an extreme extent. It was one of the initial cause of World War I.
Holes in the ground that were used to navigate throughout the battle zone. Since technology had adapted, the people had to adapt as well, and it seemed as if hiding in the earth away from the falling mortars and guns was the best choice in order to maintain survival. However whilst in these trenches, those who were stationed remained in the same location for months and if not then years.
The Christmas Truce
A rather strange occurrence in human-war history, in the first Christmas of the war, conflicting sides began to sing christmas songs and later on began to compete in singing. After the singing had died down both commanders of each side stepped onto No Mans Land and gave the other a gift. The war had stopped for a night and conflicting sides joined together and celebrated and played soccer. After this had occurred the main leaders of each side had become so enraged at this event that they forbade it from happening ever again.
The Triple Alliance
British Empire, and well basically everyone else.
Triple Entente
Italy, ottoman Empires, Russia, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria.
April Theses
Lenin Wanted to take back and stake back in charge he wanted to make socialism in russia. Which had never been tried before up to this point. Lenin and the bolsheviks would be led to jail.
Armenian Genocide
they walked these people to concentration camps they could not spare any troops so they took people to watch the prisoners. The guards would pull people out of the jails… The jailers would become security guards for the concentration camps. Rapist and murders did what they did to the people…
Their last resort was an armistice. It was signed on november 11 at 11 am. It would talk about peace and cancel fighting not directly bring peace. The other people who were against the alliance had given up and it was germany on their own by 1918 which then ended war since the last country standing had surrendered.
Battle of Gallipoli
Ottomans won the battle the British retreat. When the British came and the ottomans were in trenches which gave them an advantage since they could see the British. Once they saw the enemy the ottomans shot. The British died instantly so when they retreated it was raining and they set up triggers on the guns to make it seem like they were still there. They escaped uninjured.
Battle of Tannenberg
the Russians lost. the Germans came in and they got beat by the Germans, they were confused at the fact that they had lost. They found out that the leader was using the telephones to single the men where to go. The germans were there with every step of the way since the germans had listened into the conversations.
Bloody Sonday
80,00 people marched over to the czar’s palace and people were singing songs and they were doing a peaceful protest. nd someone in the military opens fire. No one is sure who shot first. Hundred of people died and about thousands were massacred in the snow. This got people very very upset. The protest before hand were never really unified and this got people very upset. People tried to shut down businesses to try and protest what is going on.
February Revolution
It had started with strikes. the troops were brought in to try and end the riots. The troops switch sides and help the protest instead. Once things got this bad. they got the czar out of power and they killed his family.
Fokker Design
The design for airplanes made by the Germans. They had made a more accurate design for the airplane that would shoot from the front of the plane rather than from the sides. The trigger time was set to shoot pistols or projectiles out of the plane in correspondence to the propellor so that the propellor would not be damaged whilst in flight.
League Of Nations
Set up by an american president and america declines to join.Since the war had ended, it was something that created the modern world as we know it. the monarchy and the empire had stopped. And without this war there would have been no WWII. this massive war created the modern state. It was from a modern society to a modern state. the state saw itself as responsible for soviet in some sense. it created modern total war. it was normally fight with rules and traditions. We still live in total war, just like in WWI. British forces suffered 300,000 casualties it caused the collapse of many empires with consequences that haunt us today. The end of the ottoman empire. We Are still living in the war that was created in WWI.
The passengers were the only ones in there and it was shot and there was no advanced warning, there was nothing. 250 americans die. And so they send their best message to the germans and so the germans back off. If it’s the passenger ship they will come out and tell them to get out. The US starts getting pissed at germany. It was sort of neutral until it happened.
Neville Offensive
Same time there was a another issue with the french. they had some troops getting out of the rear trenches. They were supply trenches they were get out of the back trench and run through no mans land and go to the other trenches. You would die 15 ft from the trench so it would be stupid. So the soldiers began to mutiny. They would loose 91% of their troops, most of them dead before they were at the first trench. The rioting troops were shot.
October Revolution
it was a bolshevik resolution. They take over the provisional govt. it was an armed uprising where they got the leaders of the government so scared that they ran away. A man named karenski was forced to flee he was the leader.
Paris Peace Conference
Main leaders of the allies come together and try to find a way to not only deal with the end of the war but get something back since they were all upset at Germany. They blamed germany for the war and they punished germany as much as they wanted
Used to make people be pro war and join so that the military and government wouldn’t have to force the people. Propaganda would motivate the people more.
Pay for all the damage that they caused. These were so much in debt that they now just got done paying.
Schlieffen Plan
What the germans had if they were ever in a war with france and russia. They had seen this coming. It was a way to get around having to deal with two front war. THe plan was that Germany would go around them by going through belgium. But belgium was not in the war so they asked and belgium said no, but they went this way anyway. They go through belgium and they surprise the french, but the problem was that they ended up bringing england into the war. They had an alliance with belgium. By doing this, the English had to come in because of their treaty.
Shock Troops
Come up with a new tactic. The first group to beat the trench warfare are the russians. They were called shock troops. The trenches where’s set up. They would attempt to bomb the trenches and they would bomb to the point till there was smoke all over the place. they would grab their best gun ho guys and get them to start running. As they are running across no mans land they would ease up the fire of bomb in the area by the time the smoke is gone, the men are already by the other trench dn they are set to shoot the enemy from above. The Russians were out of the war after that.
The 14 Point Plan
Woodrow Wilson was quoted numerous times talking about how great the KKK was. He was actually one of the worst presidents. he goes in with the 14 point plan. None of them got done except for the 14th point. It was called the establishment of something called the league of nations. All the different countries come together to talk about their issues. When our congress voted on this we decided to not be apart of the league of nations.
The October Manifesto
An internal document inside the government it was memmo that said what do we do to stop this? And what happened was that they decided to grant some basic civil rights. The government did this but they ended up taking it back right away. Once the situations calmed down they took back their decree on civil rights.
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk brought about the end of the war between Russia and Germany in 1918. The German were reminded of the harshness of Brest-Litovsk when they complained about the severity of the Treaty of Versailles signed in June 1919.
Treaty of Versailles
was one of the peace treaties at the end of World War I. It ended the state of war between Germany and the Allied Powers. It was signed on 28 June 1919, exactly five years after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
they make what is known as the USSR. it did not end till 1991. It was basically like the US. they do a bunch of new economic things it was rough. Stalin would take over. Even though Trotsky should have taken over.
Zimmerman Telegram
They sent their request to the mexicans. They told them that if they did what they wanted them to do then they would get their land back. But of course that was not a full guarantee The Mexican government had said no. the british intercepted the message and they sent to the US to get us into the war. it upset the US and it made us go into the war since we basically threatened.
Alexander II
he was a very unpopular czar. He would make laws very strict. And when the people began to revolt he established laws that would calm them down but then when they would back off the idea of revolution, he omitted the laws and made power even worse.
Emperor Francis Joseph
Gives an ultimatum. He gives fourteen request. You do this or else we invade. The serbs were all for stopping the war since they were unable to win the war. they did not do all of the request. When this happened, Austria gets upset and they begin to get their troops ready.
Grigori Rasputin
He was a strange man he was a christian monk. he becomes an adviser to the king and one of the most unpopular adviser.
Ho Chi Minh
A guy from vietnam shows up. The vietnamese were under the french he shows up and tries to push for freedom for vietnam. He tries to tell them what to do and the allies tell him to go away and say no. he would go away and later start a revolt with the french. this important since he later comes back and the US have to fight him.
Joseph Stalin
During his reign, he killed about 25,000,000 people.
Trotsky: he was called out. Lenin may have been killed. And they send this man a letter telling him to go on that day. But he comes the next day. And this caused a propaganda war.
Manfred Von Richthofen
Red Baron)(1892-1918): Richthofen was so good and better than everyone out there so he got bold and painted his plane red. he was super cocky. So he was known as the Red Baron. he would bring his group called the flying circus. Because they pinched tents they called it the flying circus. Ace of Aces: he was known as this. If you shoot down five airplanes you are an ace. He shot down eighty people. So he is known for what he is. he then got in a training accident. he clipped another plane and he hit his head and he was never the same again. The german military said please retire because they were worried about him getting killed. Because if he gets killed then people would feel bad about the war. He gets killed and he gets shot through the chest with a large bullet. He landed his plane while he was shot but he died due to blood lost. His last words were “Dust is broken” which means that the plane is broken. The french had a huge funeral for him. And then the germans had the biggest funeral in history for him.
Vladimire Lenin
He was a socialist leader that wanted to change the way the government was but was important since he started communism.