Chapter 12 - Wave 2 Flashcards
What happens when two waves superpose?
The resultant displacement can be greater or lesser than initial displacement
What dictates the magnitude of the final displacement of the superposed wave?
The phase difference between them
What happens to the magnitude of the final displacement if they are in phase?
There will be maximum positive displacement
Constructive interference (Even multiples of pi)
What happens to the displacement if the waves are antiphase?
The waves cancel out
Destructive Interference (Odd multiples of pi)
What is interference?
Interference is the pattern that is observed when superposition takes place
Practically, when can interference effect be observed?
In practice, interference effects are only observed when two coherent wave sources superpose
What are coherent wave sources?
Coherent wave sources are those that maintain a constant phase difference, at a point in space, with respect to time
What properties must a coherent wave source have?
Constant phase difference
Same Frequency
Why are sound wave interference patterns easily observed?
Large wavelengths
Slow wave speed
When are interference patterns of light observed?
When two coherent sources of light waves superpose
What is the path length difference?
The path length difference between two waves is the difference in length in the paths travelled by each wave
What must PLD and phase difference be for coherent wave sources?
PLD must be a fraction of the wavelength of the waves
PLD must directly correlate to the phase difference between two waves
What must PLD and phase difference be for constructive interference?
PLD of even multiple of wavelength///2
Phase difference of multiple of 2pi
What must PLD and phase difference be for destructive interference?
PLD of odd multiple of wavelength///2
Phase difference of odd multiple of pi
What is coherency?
Coherency is the potential for two waves to interact