Chapter 12 - Power, Influence and Negotiation Flashcards
the ability to influence the behaviour of others and resist unwanted influence in return
how do people acquire power?
-formal position
-sometmes the most powerful people we know lack any sort of formal authority
- five major types of power sources
organizational power
legitimate power
-based on authority or position
- understood rights to ask others to do things
- inside scope of their job
organizational power
reward power
- a form of organizational power based on the control of resources or benefits
- managers generally have control over raises, performance evaluations, awards
organizational power
coercive power
a form of organizational power based on the ability to hand out punishment
- principle of fear
personal power
expert power
a form of power based on expetise or knowledge
- track record of high performance, ability to solve problems
personal power
referent power
- a form organizational power based on attractiveness and charisma of the leader
- basically if people like you
contingency factors
certain factors that are likely to increase or decrease the degree to which leaders can use their power to influence others
degree to which people have alternatives in accessing the resources that a leader controls
leaders who are only one with control gain greater influence
the degree to which managers have the right to make decisions on their own
how important a person’s job is and how many people depend on that person to accomplish their tasks
how aware others are of a leader’s power and position
use of behaviours to cause behavioral or attitude changes in others
influence tactics / most effective
rational persuasion
- use of logical arguments and hard facts to show the target that the request is a worthwhile one
- upward influence
influence tactics / most effective
an influence tactic where the target is allowed to participate in deciding how to carry out or implement a request
opinions are values
influence tactics / most effective
inspirational appeals
appeals to the target’s values and ideas, creating an emotional reaction
leaders must have insight into what people find important
influence tactics / most effective
attempting to make it easier for the target to complete the request
involves leader helping complete the task
influence tactives / moderately effective
use of favours/compliments to make the target feel better about the influencer
more effective long term
influence tactives / moderately effective
personal appeals
asking for something based on friendship or loyalty
cultural influences when it comes to this appeal
influence tactives /moderately effective
occurs when the requestor clearly explains why performing the request will benefit the target personally
influence tactives / least effective
coercive power through threats or demands
influence tactives / least effective
when the influencer enlists other people to help influence the target
used in combination with other tactics
influence tactives / least effective
requestor offers a reward or resource to the target in return for performing a request
general rule of thumb - influence tactics
most successful in combination
softer in nature is better
responses to influence tactics
a response to influence tactics in which the target agrees with and becomes committed to the request
shift in both behaviours and attitudes of employees
responses to influence tactics
occurs when targets of influence are willing to do what the leader asks, but they do it with a degree of ambivalence
does not bring highest levels of employee effort and dedication
responses to influence tactics
when the target refuses to perform the influence request and puts forth an effort to avoid having to do it
organizational politics
individual actions directed toward the goal of furthering a person’s own self-interests
political skill
the ability to understand others and the use of that knowledge to influence them to further personal or organizational objectives
networking ability
adeptness at identifying and developing diverse contacts
social astuteness
tendency to observe others and accurately interpret their behaviours
interpersonal influence
having an unassuming and convincing personal style that is flexible enough to adapt to other situations
apparent sincerity
high levels of honesty and genuineness
conflict resolution
conflict arises when two or more individuals perceive that their goals are in opposition
when conflict arises, leader can use power and influence to resolve it
Competing (high assertiveness, low cooperation)
occurs when one party attempts to get their own goals net without concern for the other party’s results
one party has high levels of organizational power and can use legitimate/coercive power to settle the conflict
use when need to make snap decision
Avoiding (low assertiveness, low cooperation)
occurs when one party wants to remain neutral, stay way from conflict or postpone the conflict
unfavorable result for everyone, doesn’t solve anything
when the issue is not as important as others
emotions running high
no acceptable alternative
Accommodating (low assertiveness, high cooperation)
one party gives in to the other and acts in a completely unselfish way
if you know you are gonna lose, might as well given
when you arrive at the conclusion that your choice is wrong and alternative is better
Collaboration (high assertiveness, high cooperation)
occurs when both parties work together to maximize outcomes
win win
difficult to come by
compromise won’t solve the problem
Compromise (moderate assertiveness, moderate cooperation)
conflict is resolved through give and take concessions
easy form of resolution
strong approach is not worth damage
both parties committed to their choices
a process in which two or more interdependent individuals discuss and attempt to reach agreement about their differences
distributive bargaining
a negotiation strategy in which one person gains and the other person loses
car dealership vs customer
integrative bargaining
a negotiation strategy that achieves an outcome that is satisfying for both parties
allows long term relationship to form
best when multiple outcomes are possible, there is an adequate level of trust, parties are willing to be flexible
stage 1 of negotiation: preparation
the single most important stage of the negotiating process
BATNA: each negotiator’s bottom line / standard by which all proposed agreements should be measured
step 2 of negotiation: exchanging information
non confrontational process
each party makes a case for its position
active listening, lots of questions
step 3 of negotiation: bargaining
goal is for each party to walk away feeling like it has gained something of value
step 4 of negotiation: closing and commitment
formalizing an agreement reached during the previous stage
ideally, no issues or misconceptions left
could be recognition that the parties reached an impasse with no agreement
negotiator biases
perceived power relationship (most important)
emotions can play a large role in the ability
How do power and influence affect job performance and organizational commitment
when a leader draws on personal sources of power, such as expert power/referent power, a stronger emotional bond can be created with the employee, boosting affective commitment
increases job satisfaction and sense of trust
alternative dispute resolution
process by which two parties resolve conflicts through the use of a specially trained, neutral third party
requires a third party to facilitate the dispute resolution process, though this third party has no formal authority
a process by which a third party determines a binding settlement to a dispute between two parties