Chapter 12 - Physical Examination of the Spine Flashcards
Spurling maneuver is very specific for nerve root compression where?
foraminal or lateral recess
What does the Lhermitte sign indicate?
(electric shock like sensations down the spinal cord) - indicates direct compression of the spinal cord
can be positive in myelopathy (highly SPECIFIC, not very sensitive), multiple sclerosis, or B12 deficiency
Straight leg raise
highly SENSITIVE for nerve root compression at L4-5, L5-S1 but not very specific
Crossed straight leg raise
SLR causes symptoms in CONTRAlateral leg. highly SPECIFIC for a contralateral L4-5 or L5-S1 nerve root compression
Waddell Signs
If >=3 of 5 of these are present, suggests non–organic pain
superficial tenderness
regional disturbances (non-dermatomal)
C5 - motor, sensory innervation, reflex (if present)
Deltoid, Bicep, sensation to lateral arm proximal to elbow, brachial reflex
C6 - motor, sensory innervation, reflex (if present)
Biceps, brachialis, wrist extensors, radial side of the forearm sensation, brachioradialis reflex
C7 - motor, sensory innervation, reflex (if present)
Triceps, wrist flexors, finger EXTENSORS, sensation to the MIDDLE FINGER, triceps reflex
C8 - motor, sensory innervation, reflex (if present)
Interossei, finger flexors
Sensory level at nipple line
Sensory level at umbilicus
L1 - motor, sensory innervation, reflex (if present)
no motor (small contribution to iliopsoas), sensory innervation to the iliac crest, cremasteric reflex
L2 - motor, sensory innervation, reflex (if present)
iliopsoas (femoral n.), hip adductors (obturator n.), sensory innervation to the anterior and inner thigh, cremasteric reflex
L3 - motor, sensory innervation, reflex (if present)
contributes to knee extension through quadriceps (also L4) (femoral n.), anterior thigh, medial thigh, medial knee sensation, no reflex
L4 - motor, sensory innervation, reflex (if present)
tibialis anterior (deep peroneal n), sensation to lateral thigh, anterior knee, medial leg to inside of great toe, patellar reflex
L5 - motor, sensory innervation, reflex (if present)
Tibialis posterior (tibial n.), EHL (DPN), EDL (DPN), Hamstrings (tibial) & gluteus max (inf. gluteal n.), Gluteus medius (sup. gluteal n.), lateral leg and dorsal foot sensation, no reflex
S1 - motor, sensory innervation, reflex (if present)
Gastroc-soleus (tibial n.), Peroneals (SPN), posterior leg and lateral foot sensation, achilles reflex
S2 - motor, sensory innervation, reflex (if present)
FHL, FDL (tibial n), plantar foot, no reflex
Positive babinski
Upgoing great toe, and lesser toe splaying