Chapter 12- Modern Humans Flashcards
Characteristics of modern humans
High and vertical forehead, a rounded and tall skull, small brow ridges, small face, small teeth
Characteristics of archaic h. Sapiens
Longer lower skull, large brow ridge, bigger more projecting face, taller, wider nasal aperture, a more projecting occipital bone, larger teeth, and no chin
When does the evolution of h. Sapiens begin?
With the emergence of archaic forms- 350,000-500,000 years ago
Where and when did first modern h. Sapiens appear?
Africa 160,000 years ago
What is the Out of Africa hypothesis?
Modern h. Sapiens first evolved in Africa and then spread to Asia and Europe
Explains single origin species of living human by emphasizing single origin and eventual replacement of archaic by modern h. Sapiens
What is the Multiregional continuity hypothesis?
Transition to modernity took place regionally without replacement. Each species of archaic h. Sapiens evolves separately in different parts of the world
Emphasizes importance on gene flow across population boundaries
Characteristics of the Rhosesian man skull
Found in Africa - enormous brow ridges small neck muscles when compared to h. Erectus. Cranial capacity 1,300 cc
Java Archaic skulls
Brain case only. 1,100 cc , skull is long and low, found in Asia , massive brow ridge
Ngandong Archaic skulls
Cranial is large and robust, large brownridges,
Atapuerca archaic skull
Found in Europe- Spain
Cranial capacity 1,125 cc
Large brow ridge, pronounced facial projection, nasal aperture is tall and wide
Characteristics of Amud Neanderthal skulls
Late archaic humans, 1,740 cc brain capacity, small round eye orbits, nasal openings are small and wide, faces projecting forward, lack of occipital bun, and presence of small teeth
Found in Asia
Krapina Neanderthal
Found in Europe
Round eye orbits, huge front teeth. Some shows evidence of amputation and violence, practiced cannabalism
Mousterian/ Middle Paleolithic culture
Stone tool technology complex flaking
300,000 to 30,000
Required hand eye coordination
Participated in Upper Paleolithic
The Aurignacian
Associated with the first modern humans in Europe
Early modern humans
Show up first in Africa
200,000 to 6000
Herto Child- 1,450 cc brain case close to modern size