Chapter 11- Homo Habilus And Early Homo Flashcards
Homo Habilus
Africa, Tanzania
2.5-1.8 mya
Tool use, increased brain side, reduced facials muscles and teeth, bipedal locomotion, more centralized diet
What are the major evolutionary changes between homo habilus and homo erectus?
Smaller teeth size, reduction in face and jaw size in relation to the brain, larger brain, increased brow ridge, increased cranial bone thickness, increase in length of legs, decrease in arm length, increased body size
What species was the first hominim to inhabit the Old World?
Homo erectus
When are the dates for h. Erectus in Africa?
1.8mya- 300,000 ya
What are the dates for H. Erectus in Asia?
1.8 mya- 300,000 ya
What are the dates for h. Erectus in Europe?
1.2-.4 mya
What is interesting about the Bodo skull?
Evidence of tool use on the skull, potentially suggesting cannabalism
What was Homo Habilus?
Early species of homo, likely ancestor of homo erectus